IRESS Web Services Reference

Object Reference

IOSXMLReq Methods

Last Updated Wednesday, 9 January 2013

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  AccountPortfolioGet Method 

Retrieve the balance of the specified account.

String Results = [object].AccountPortfolioGet ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSAccount, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccount String The IOS Account you wish to retrive information on. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <PortfolioBalanceUpdate>
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AccountName Results\AccountResult String The name of the current IOSAccount
ActualCash Results\AccountResult Single The current balance of the account
Balance Results\AccountResult Single the available balance of the account
BalanceUpdateDateTime Results\AccountResult Date The DateTime of when the portfolios balance was last updated.
PortfolioDesc Results\AccountResult String The name of the portfolio
PortfolioID Results\AccountResult Long The ID of the portfolio

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  AccountSearch Method 

Search for available accounts.

String Results = [object].AccountSearch ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, String Type, String Condition, String Text, Long Access, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS where the accounts you wish to retrieve are located.
Type String The type of search to perform. Values can be: "CODE" - Search on account codes, "NAME" - Search on account names, "DESIGNATION" - Search on account designation, "" - Do not filter accounts
Condition String The search condition you wish to filter on. Values can be :STARTS" - The account name/code must start with the given search text "CONTAINS" - The account name/code must contain the given search text "" - Do not filter accounts.
Text String The search text you wish to filter on.
Access Long Access type you wish to filter on. 0 - All Access, 1 - Advisor Access.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AccountCode Results\AccountResult String The Account code.
AccountDesignation Results\AccountResult String The name account designation.
AccountName Results\AccountResult String The Account name.
Advisor Results\AccountResult String The UserCode of the account's Advisor
IOS Results\AccountResult String The Name of the IOS where the account is located.
IOSAccount Results\AccountResult String The IOSName and Account code in the following format IOSName->AccountCode.
PortfolioID Results\AccountResult Long The ID of the portfolio attached to the account.
PortfolioName Results\AccountResult String The name of the portfolio attached to the account.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ClientOrderAmend Method 

Amend a client order.

String Results = [object].ClientOrderAmend ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, LongArray ClientOrderNumberArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, LongArray MarketPriceFlagArray, StringArray ExternalIDArray, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to amend your Client orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount
ClientOrderNumberArray LongArray Order Number of the client order you wish to amend.
PriceArray SingleArray The Price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The volume(s) you wish to trade.
MarketPriceFlagArray LongArray Market price flag for the client order. - 0 at specified price, 1 at market price, 2 at best price
ExternalIDArray StringArray External identification code assigned to an order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <BOInstructions>
  • <CommissionCategoryID>
  • <CommissionMin>
  • <CommissionRate>
  • <NZXCapitalOrder>
  • <NZXCSN>
  • <NZXEstateWindup>
  • <NZXOneOffSale>
  • <NZXPrescribedPersons>
  • <NZXShortSell>
  • <NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder>
  • <NZXClientHoldingInNZClear>
  • <NZXAustralianClient>
  • <OPInstructions>
  • <RequestSource>
  • <SettlementMethod>
  • <SRN>
  • <TransactionBasis>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
BidAsk Results\OrderResult String Shows if the client order is either a bid or ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult String OrderNUmber of the client order that has been created
CreateDateTime Results\OrderResult String The DateTime of when the client order was created.
DoneValue Results\OrderResult String Shows the done value of the client order.
DoneVolume Results\OrderResult String Shows the done volume of the client order.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String The exchange(s) that correspond to the Security of the order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String External identification code assigned to an order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
IOSAccount Results\OrderResult String IOSAccount the order is linked to.
MarketPriceFlag Results\OrderResult Long Market price flag for the client order. - 0 at specified price, 1 at market price, 2 at best price
OrdPrice Results\OrderResult Single Current Price for the client order.
OrdVol Results\OrderResult Single Volume of the client order.
Security Results\OrderResult String Security of the order amended.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ClientOrderCreate Method 

Create a client order.

String Results = [object].ClientOrderCreate ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, StringArray SecurityArray, StringArray ExchangeArray, StringArray BidAskArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, LongArray MarketPriceFlagArray, StringArray ExternalIDArray, StringArray ClientOrderTypeArray, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to create your Client orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount
SecurityArray StringArray The Securities you wish to trade
ExchangeArray StringArray The exchange(s) that correspond to the Security you wish to trade.
BidAskArray StringArray Determines if an order is either a bid or ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
PriceArray SingleArray The Price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The volume(s) you wish to trade.
MarketPriceFlagArray LongArray Market price flag for the client order. - 0 at specified price, 1 at market price, 2 at best price
ExternalIDArray StringArray External identification code assigned to an order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
ClientOrderTypeArray StringArray The order type value assigned to the order. Order types are assigned as a way of linking or separating multiple client orders for the same security.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <Advisor>
  • <AdvisorWorking>
  • <BOInstructions>
  • <CommissionCategoryID>
  • <CommissionMin>
  • <CommissionRate>
  • <NZXCapitalOrder>
  • <NZXCSN>
  • <NZXEstateWindup>
  • <NZXOneOffSale>
  • <NZXPrescribedPersons>
  • <NZXShortSell>
  • <NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder>
  • <NZXClientHoldingInNZClear>
  • <NZXAustralianClient>
  • <OPInstructions>
  • <OrderGiver>
  • <RequestSource>
  • <SellType>
  • <SettlementMethod>
  • <SRN>
  • <TransactionBasis>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
BidAsk Results\OrderResult String Shows if the client order created is either a bid or ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult String OrderNUmber of the client order that has been created
CreateDateTime Results\OrderResult String The DateTime of when the client order was created.
DoneValue Results\OrderResult String Shows the done value of the client order.
DoneVolume Results\OrderResult String Shows the done volume of the client order.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String The exchange(s) that correspond to the Security of the order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String External identification code assigned to an order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
IOSAccount Results\OrderResult String IOSAccount the order is linked to.
MarketPriceFlag Results\OrderResult Long Market price flag for the client order. - 0 at specified price, 1 at market price, 2 at best price
OrdPrice Results\OrderResult Single Current Price for the client order.
OrdVol Results\OrderResult Single Volume of the client order.
Security Results\OrderResult String Security of the order created.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ClientOrderDelete Method 

delete a client order.

String Results = [object].ClientOrderDelete ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, LongArray ClientOrderNumberArray, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s)you wish to delete your Client orders from. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount
ClientOrderNumberArray LongArray Order Number of the client order you wish to Delete.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Status Results\OrderResult String Status of the delete order action.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  CommissionCategoriesGet Method 

View an IOS's contract notes by account. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].CommissionCategoriesGet ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The name of the IOS you wish to make the request to.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Description Results\CommissionCategoryResult String The Commission categoriesDescription
ID Results\CommissionCategoryResult Long The Commission categoriesID
Name Results\CommissionCategoryResult String The Commission categoriesName

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ContingentOrderAmend Method 

Amend a contingent order.

String Results = [object].ContingentOrderAmend ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, LongArray OrderIDArray, DateTime SecurityArray, DateTime ExchangeArray, StringArray PriceTypeArray, StringArray ConditionArray, SingleArray PriceArray, DateTime StartTimeArray, DateTime EndTimeArray, StringArray OrderSecurityArray, StringArray OrderExchangeArray, SingleArray OrderPriceArray, LongArray OrderVolumeArray, StringArray OrderBuySellArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you want to amend contingent orders with. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
OrderIDArray LongArray ID of the contingent order you wish to amend.
SecurityArray DateTime The contingent security for the contingent order.
ExchangeArray DateTime The exchange of the contingent security.
PriceTypeArray StringArray The price type for the contingency criteria on the contingent order. "B" - Bid, "A" - Ask, "L" - Last.
ConditionArray StringArray The condition on the contingent order. "GTE" - Greater than or equal to, "LTE" - Less than or equal to.
PriceArray SingleArray The price value applying to the condition specified for the contingent order.
StartTimeArray DateTime The start time of when the contingent order may trigger. No action will be performed on the contingent order if the contingency criteria are not met within the period from start time to end time.
EndTimeArray DateTime The end time of when the contingent order may trigger. No action will be performed on the contingent order if the contingency criteria are not met within the period from start time to end time.
OrderSecurityArray StringArray The security to perform the action on when the contingency criteria are met.
OrderExchangeArray StringArray The exchange of the security to perform the action on when the contingency criteria are met.
OrderPriceArray SingleArray The price of the order that will be created when the contingency criteria is met.
OrderVolumeArray LongArray The volume of the order that will be created when the contingency criteria is met.
OrderBuySellArray StringArray The action of the order that will be created when the contingency criteria is met. "B" - Buy, "S" - Sell.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
OrderID Results\OrderResult Long Identification number of the contingent order.
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the contingent order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the status of the contingent order.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ContingentOrderCreate Method 

Create a contingent order.

String Results = [object].ContingentOrderCreate ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, StringArray SecurityArray, StringArray ExchangeArray, StringArray PriceTypeArray, StringArray ConditionArray, SingleArray PriceArray, DateTime StartTimeArray, DateTime EndTimeArray, StringArray OrderSecurityArray, StringArray OrderExchangeArray, SingleArray OrderPriceArray, LongArray OrderVolumeArray, StringArray OrderBuySellArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you want to create contingent orders with. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
SecurityArray StringArray The contingent security for the contingent order.
ExchangeArray StringArray The exchange of the contingent security.
PriceTypeArray StringArray The price type for the contingency criteria on the contingent order. "B" - Bid, "A" - Ask, "L" - Last.
ConditionArray StringArray The condition on the contingent order. "GTE" - Greater than or equal to, "LTE" - Less than or equal to.
PriceArray SingleArray The price value applying to the condition specified for the contingent order.
StartTimeArray DateTime The start time of when the contingent order may trigger. No action will be performed on the contingent order if the contingency criteria are not met within the period from start time to end time.
EndTimeArray DateTime The end time of when the contingent order may trigger. No action will be performed on the contingent order if the contingency criteria are not met within the period from start time to end time.
OrderSecurityArray StringArray The security to perform the action on when the contingency criteria are met.
OrderExchangeArray StringArray The exchange of the security to perform the action on when the contingency criteria are met.
OrderPriceArray SingleArray The price of the order that will be created when the contingency criteria is met.
OrderVolumeArray LongArray The volume of the order that will be created when the contingency criteria is met.
OrderBuySellArray StringArray The action of the order that will be created when the contingency criteria is met. "B" - Buy, "S" - Sell.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema, 256 Create OCO link between the Contingent Orders you are creating
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
OrderID Results\OrderResult Long Identification number of the contingent order.
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the contingent order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the status of the contingent order.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ContingentOrderCreate2 Method 

Create a contingent order.

String Results = [object].ContingentOrderCreate2 ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, StringArray SecurityArray, StringArray ExchangeArray, StringArray PriceTypeArray, StringArray ConditionArray, SingleArray PriceArray, DateTime StartTimeArray, DateTime EndTimeArray, StringArray OrderSecurityArray, StringArray OrderExchangeArray, SingleArray OrderPriceArray, LongArray OrderVolumeArray, StringArray OrderBuySellArray, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you want to create contingent orders with. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
SecurityArray StringArray The contingent security for the contingent order.
ExchangeArray StringArray The exchange of the contingent security.
PriceTypeArray StringArray The price type for the contingency criteria on the contingent order. "B" - Bid, "A" - Ask, "L" - Last.
ConditionArray StringArray The condition on the contingent order. "GTE" - Greater than or equal to, "LTE" - Less than or equal to.
PriceArray SingleArray The price value applying to the condition specified for the contingent order.
StartTimeArray DateTime The start time of when the contingent order may trigger. No action will be performed on the contingent order if the contingency criteria are not met within the period from start time to end time.
EndTimeArray DateTime The end time of when the contingent order may trigger. No action will be performed on the contingent order if the contingency criteria are not met within the period from start time to end time.
OrderSecurityArray StringArray The security to perform the action on when the contingency criteria are met.
OrderExchangeArray StringArray The exchange of the security to perform the action on when the contingency criteria are met.
OrderPriceArray SingleArray The price of the order that will be created when the contingency criteria is met.
OrderVolumeArray LongArray The volume of the order that will be created when the contingency criteria is met.
OrderBuySellArray StringArray The action of the order that will be created when the contingency criteria is met. "B" - Buy, "S" - Sell.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema, 256 Create OCO link between the Contingent Orders you are creating
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
  • <SellType>
  • <ExternalID>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
OrderID Results\OrderResult Long Identification number of the contingent order.
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the contingent order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the status of the contingent order.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ContingentOrderDelete Method 

Delete a contingent order.

String Results = [object].ContingentOrderDelete ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray,  OrderIDArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you want to delete contingent orders with. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
OrderIDArray ID of the contingent order you wish to delete.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
OrderID Results\OrderResult Long Identification number of the contingent order.
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the contingent order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the status of the contingent order.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ContingentOrderGetByAccount Method 

Retrieve all the contingent orders of a specified account.

String Results = [object].ContingentOrderGetByAccount ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, Long ShowAll, Date StartDate, Date EndDate, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) of the contingent orders you want to retrieve. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
ShowAll Long Specifies if you wish to retrieve deleted and triggered as well as with active contingent orders. 0 - Display only active contingent orders, 1 - Display only active, triggered and deleted contingent orders.
StartDate Date Start date of the date range in which you wish to retrieve deleted and triggered orders.
EndDate Date End date of the date range in which you wish to retrieve deleted and triggered orders.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Condition Results\OrderResult String Indicates whether the price must be greater than or less than the specified price to trigger the order.
DeletedDate Results\OrderResult Date Date the order was triggered or deleted.
EndTime Results\OrderResult Date Time the contingent order becomes inactive.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String The exchange of the security that will trigger the contingent order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String External identification code assigned to the market order.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long IOS assigned market sequence number of the triggered order.
OrderBuySell Results\OrderResult String The action that will occur when the contingent order is triggered. This is either Buy or Sell.
OrderExchange Results\OrderResult String Exchange of the security for the market order. e.g. ASX, AOM.
OrderID Results\OrderResult Long Identification number of the contingent order.
OrderPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the market order.
OrderSecurity Results\OrderResult String Security code that will be bought or sold when the contingent order is triggered.
OrderVolume Results\OrderResult Long Volume of the market order.
Price Results\OrderResult Single Price that will trigger the contingent order.
PriceType Results\OrderResult String The type of price that will trigger the contingent order. This can be Bid, Ask or Last.
Security Results\OrderResult String The security that will trigger the contingent order.
StartTime Results\OrderResult Date Time the contingent order becomes active.
Status Results\OrderResult String Current status of the contingent order. This field can be blank, Triggered or Deleted.
TimeCreated Results\OrderResult Date Date and time the contingent order was created.
ID Results\OrderResult\LinkedOrders\LinkedOrder Long If the contingent order is linked to another contingent order this shows the ID of the order it is linked to.
Type Results\OrderResult\LinkedOrders\LinkedOrder String Type of link between the contingent orders.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ContractNotesGetAll Method 

View an IOS's contract notes. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].ContractNotesGetAll ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Date StartDateTime, Date EndDateTime, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The name of the IOS you wish to make the request to.
StartDateTime Date The earliest date to filter contract notes by.
EndDateTime Date The latest date to filter contract notes by.
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The Contract note's NextBookmark
RowCount Results Long The Contract note's RowCount
Status Results String Status
Account Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Account
AveragePrice Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's AveragePrice
Basis Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Basis
BuySell Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's BuySell
Commission Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's Commission
ContractDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's ContractDate
ContractNoteComments Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Comments
ContractNumber Results\ContractNotesResult Long The Contract note's ContractNumber
CurrencySymbol Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's CurrencySymbol
Exchange Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Exchange
ExternalID Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's External ID
GST Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's GST
MiscellanousCharge Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's MiscellanousCharge
NetAveragePrice Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's NetAveragePrice
NetValue Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's NetValue
OrderNumber Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Order Number
Security Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Security
SettlementDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's SettlementDate
TradeDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's TradeDate
TradeValue Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's TradeValue
TradeVolume Results\ContractNotesResult Long The Contract note's TradeVolume

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ContractNotesGetAll2 Method 

View an IOS's contract notes. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].ContractNotesGetAll2 ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Date StartDateTime, Date EndDateTime, String Security, String Exchange, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The name of the IOS you wish to make the request to.
StartDateTime Date The earliest date to filter contract notes by.
EndDateTime Date The latest date to filter contract notes by.
Security String Security you wish to filter by.
Exchange String Exchange you wish to filter by.
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The Contract note's NextBookmark
RowCount Results Long The Contract note's RowCount
Status Results String Status
Account Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Account
AveragePrice Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's AveragePrice
Basis Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Basis
BuySell Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's BuySell
Commission Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's Commission
CommissionGST Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's CommissionGST
ContractDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's ContractDate
ContractNoteComments Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's CurrencySymbol
ContractNumber Results\ContractNotesResult Long The Contract note's ContractNumber
CurrencySymbol Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's CurrencySymbol
Exchange Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Exchange
ExternalID Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's CurrencySymbol
GST Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's GST
MiscellanousCharge Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's MiscellanousCharge
NetAveragePrice Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's NetAveragePrice
NetValue Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's NetValue
OrderNumber Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's CurrencySymbol
Security Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Security
SettlementDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's SettlementDate
TradeDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's TradeDate
TradeValue Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's TradeValue
TradeVolume Results\ContractNotesResult Long The Contract note's TradeVolume
WholesaleCost Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's WholesaleCost
WholeSaleGST Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's WholeSaleGST

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ContractNotesGetByAccount Method 

View an IOS's contract notes by account. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].ContractNotesGetByAccount ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, Date StartDateTime, Date EndDateTime, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray An Array of the IOS Accounts who's contract notes you wish to retrive. Syntax: [UserName@]IOSName[->IOSAccount].
StartDateTime Date The earliest date to filter contract notes by.
EndDateTime Date The latest date to filter contract notes by.
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The Contract note's NextBookmark
RowCount Results Long The Contract note's RowCount
Status Results String Status
Account Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Account
AveragePrice Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's AveragePrice
Basis Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Basis
BuySell Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's BuySell
Commission Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's Commission
ContractDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's ContractDate
ContractNoteComments Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Comments
ContractNumber Results\ContractNotesResult Long The Contract note's ContractNumber
CurrencySymbol Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's CurrencySymbol
Exchange Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Exchange
ExternalID Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's External ID
GST Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's GST
MiscellanousCharge Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's MiscellanousCharge
NetAveragePrice Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's NetAveragePrice
NetValue Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's NetValue
OrderNumber Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Order Number
Security Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Security
SettlementDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's SettlementDate
TradeDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's TradeDate
TradeValue Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's TradeValue
TradeVolume Results\ContractNotesResult Long The Contract note's TradeVolume

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ContractNotesGetByAccount2 Method 

View an IOS's contract notes by account. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].ContractNotesGetByAccount2 ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, Date StartDateTime, Date EndDateTime, String Security, String Exchange, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray An Array of the IOS Accounts who's contract notes you wish to retrive. Syntax: [UserName@]IOSName[->IOSAccount].
StartDateTime Date The earliest date to filter contract notes by.
EndDateTime Date The latest date to filter contract notes by.
Security String Security you wish to filter by.
Exchange String Exchange you wish to filter by.
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The Contract note's NextBookmark
RowCount Results Long The Contract note's RowCount
Status Results String Status
Account Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Account
AveragePrice Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's AveragePrice
Basis Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Basis
BuySell Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's BuySell
Commission Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's Commission
ContractDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's ContractDate
ContractNoteComments Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Comments
ContractNumber Results\ContractNotesResult Long The Contract note's ContractNumber
CurrencySymbol Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's CurrencySymbol
Exchange Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Exchange
ExternalID Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's External ID
GST Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's GST
MiscellanousCharge Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's MiscellanousCharge
NetAveragePrice Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's NetAveragePrice
NetValue Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's NetValue
OrderNumber Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Order Number
Security Results\ContractNotesResult String The Contract note's Security
SettlementDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's SettlementDate
TradeDate Results\ContractNotesResult Date The Contract note's TradeDate
TradeValue Results\ContractNotesResult Double The Contract note's TradeValue
TradeVolume Results\ContractNotesResult Long The Contract note's TradeVolume

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  CurrencyConversionGet Method 

Retrieve IOS currency conversion information.

String Results = [object].CurrencyConversionGet ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The IOS Name.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
CurrencyFrom Results\CurrencyResult String The CurrencyFrom symbol.
CurrencyTo Results\CurrencyResult String The CurrencyTo symbol.
Rate Results\CurrencyResult Double The rate of conversion.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ETCGetAll Method 

Retrieve all the ETC's of a specified IOS. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].ETCGetAll ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, StringArray OrganisationArray, Date TradeStartDateTime, Date TradeEndDateTime, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS on which you wish to retrive information
OrganisationArray StringArray Organisations you wish to filter by.
TradeStartDateTime Date The earliest date of ETC's you wish to retrieve
TradeEndDateTime Date The latest date of ETC's you wish to retrieve
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The ETC's NextBookmark
RowCount Results Long The ETC's RowCount
Status Results String Status
Account Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Account
Acknowledge Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's Acknowledge
AsAtDate Results\ETCResult Date The ETC's AsAtDate
BIC Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BIC
BookingCode Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingCode
BookingInstructions1 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingInstructions1
BookingInstructions2 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingInstructions2
BookingInstructions3 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingInstructions3
BookingInstructions4 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingInstructions4
BrokerABN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BrokerABN
BrokerCode Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BrokerCode
BrokerName Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BrokerName
BrokerReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BrokerReference
BuySell Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BuySell
ClearingBroker Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBroker
ClearingBrokerABN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerABN
ClearingBrokerBIC Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerBIC
ClearingBrokerClearingOrganisation Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerClearingOrganisation
ClearingBrokerComments Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerComments
ClearingBrokerInternalReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerInternalReference
ClearingBrokerPID Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerPID
ClearingBrokerReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerReference
ClearingOrganisation Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingOrganisation
ClientABN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClientABN
ClientExternalReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClientExternalReference
ClientLink Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's ClientLink
ClientName Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClientName
ClientReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClientReference
Comments Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Comments
Commission Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's Commission
ContractClass Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ContractClass
ContractNote Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ContractNote
CrossingIndicator Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's CrossingIndicator
CSN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's CSN
CustodianCode Results\ETCResult String The ETC's CustodianCode
ETCID Results\ETCResult Long The ETC's ETCID
Exchange Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Exchange
FundManagerCode Results\ETCResult String The ETC's FundManagerCode
FXRate Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's FXRate
GST Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's GST
GSTSet Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's GSTSet
Instruction Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Instruction
InternalReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's InternalReference
MiscellaneousCharges Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's MiscellaneousCharges
NetValue Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's NetValue
Organisation Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Organisation
PID Results\ETCResult String The ETC's PID
Price Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's Price
PrincipalAccount Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's PrincipalAccount
Reason Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Reason
Security Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Security
SettleDate Results\ETCResult Date The ETC's SettleDate
SettlementCurrency Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementCurrency
SettlementInstructions Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions
SettlementInstructions1 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions1
SettlementInstructions2 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions2
SettlementInstructions3 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions3
SettlementInstructions4 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions4
SRN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SRN
StampDuty Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's StampDuty
Status Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Status
TaxInvoice Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's TaxInvoice
ThirdPartyBIC Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ThirdPartyBIC
TradeBasis Results\ETCResult String The ETC's TradeBasis
TradeDate Results\ETCResult Date The ETC's TradeDate
TradeValue Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's TradeValue
TradingBrokerIsClearingBroker Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's TradingBrokerIsClearingBroker
UpdateDateTime Results\ETCResult Date The ETC's UpdateDateTime
User Results\ETCResult String The ETC's User
Volume Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's Volume

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ETCGetByAccount Method 

Retrieve all the ETC's of the specified IOS accounts. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].ETCGetByAccount ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, Date TradeStartDateTime, Date TradeEndDateTime, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray An Array of the IOS Accounts you wish to retrive ETC's from. Syntax: [UserName@]IOSName[->IOSAccount].
TradeStartDateTime Date The earliest date of ETC's you wish to retrieve
TradeEndDateTime Date The latest date of ETC's you wish to retrieve
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The ETC's NextBookmark
RowCount Results Long The ETC's RowCount
Status Results String Status
Account Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Account
Acknowledge Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's Acknowledge
AsAtDate Results\ETCResult Date The ETC's AsAtDate
BIC Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BIC
BookingCode Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingCode
BookingInstructions1 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingInstructions1
BookingInstructions2 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingInstructions2
BookingInstructions3 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingInstructions3
BookingInstructions4 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BookingInstructions4
BrokerABN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BrokerABN
BrokerCode Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BrokerCode
BrokerName Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BrokerName
BrokerReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BrokerReference
BuySell Results\ETCResult String The ETC's BuySell
ClearingBroker Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBroker
ClearingBrokerABN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerABN
ClearingBrokerBIC Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerBIC
ClearingBrokerClearingOrganisation Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerClearingOrganisation
ClearingBrokerComments Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerComments
ClearingBrokerInternalReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerInternalReference
ClearingBrokerPID Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerPID
ClearingBrokerReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingBrokerReference
ClearingOrganisation Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClearingOrganisation
ClientABN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClientABN
ClientExternalReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClientExternalReference
ClientLink Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's ClientLink
ClientName Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClientName
ClientReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ClientReference
Comments Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Comments
Commission Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's Commission
ContractClass Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ContractClass
ContractNote Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ContractNote
CrossingIndicator Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's CrossingIndicator
CSN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's CSN
CustodianCode Results\ETCResult String The ETC's CustodianCode
ETCID Results\ETCResult Long The ETC's ETCID
Exchange Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Exchange
FundManagerCode Results\ETCResult String The ETC's FundManagerCode
FXRate Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's FXRate
GST Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's GST
GSTSet Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's GSTSet
Instruction Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Instruction
InternalReference Results\ETCResult String The ETC's InternalReference
MiscellaneousCharges Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's MiscellaneousCharges
NetValue Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's NetValue
Organisation Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Organisation
PID Results\ETCResult String The ETC's PID
Price Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's Price
PrincipalAccount Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's PrincipalAccount
Reason Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Reason
Security Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Security
SettleDate Results\ETCResult Date The ETC's SettleDate
SettlementCurrency Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementCurrency
SettlementInstructions Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions
SettlementInstructions1 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions1
SettlementInstructions2 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions2
SettlementInstructions3 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions3
SettlementInstructions4 Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SettlementInstructions4
SRN Results\ETCResult String The ETC's SRN
StampDuty Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's StampDuty
Status Results\ETCResult String The ETC's Status
TaxInvoice Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's TaxInvoice
ThirdPartyBIC Results\ETCResult String The ETC's ThirdPartyBIC
TradeBasis Results\ETCResult String The ETC's TradeBasis
TradeDate Results\ETCResult Date The ETC's TradeDate
TradeValue Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's TradeValue
TradingBrokerIsClearingBroker Results\ETCResult Boolean The ETC's TradingBrokerIsClearingBroker
UpdateDateTime Results\ETCResult Date The ETC's UpdateDateTime
User Results\ETCResult String The ETC's User
Volume Results\ETCResult Double The ETC's Volume

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  IOSAccountsGet Method 

Retrieve the accounts you have access to on a specified IOS.

String Results = [object].IOSAccountsGet ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS where the accounts you wish to retrieve are located.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Account Results\AccountResult String IOS account you have access to.
IOS Results\AccountResult String Name of an IOS you have access to.
IOSAccount Results\AccountResult String IOS and IOS account you have access to in the syntax: [IOSUSER@]IOSNAME->IOSACCOUNT.
UserName Results\AccountResult String User name with which you have access to the IOS with.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  IOSNamesGet Method 

Retrieve the Names of the IOS's you have access to.

String Results = [object].IOSNamesGet ( String TradingSessionKey, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
IOS Results\IOSResult String Name of an IOS you have access to.
UserName Results\IOSResult String User name with which you have access to the IOS with.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  LedgerGetAll Method 

View ledger cash transactions. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].LedgerGetAll ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Date StartDateTime, Date EndDateTime, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The name of the IOS you wish to make the request to.
StartDateTime Date The earliest date to filter the ledger by.
EndDateTime Date The latest date to filter the ledger by.
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The Ledgers's NextBookmark
RowCount Results Long The Ledgers's RowCount
Status Results String Status
Account Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's Account
CurrencySymbol Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's CurrencySymbol
Description Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's Description
LedgerBalance Results\LedgerResult Double The Ledgers's LedgerBalance
LedgerID Results\LedgerResult Long The Ledgers's LedgerID
Reference Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's Reference
TransactionCode Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's TransactionCode
TransactionDate Results\LedgerResult Date The Ledgers's TransactionDate
TransactionNumber Results\LedgerResult Long The Ledgers's TransactionNumber
TransactionValue Results\LedgerResult Double The Ledgers's TransactionValue

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  LedgerGetByAccount Method 

View ledger cash transactions. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].LedgerGetByAccount ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, Date StartDateTime, Date EndDateTime, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray An Array of the IOS Accounts who's ledger you wish to retrive. Syntax: [UserName@]IOSName[->IOSAccount].
StartDateTime Date The earliest date to filter the ledger by.
EndDateTime Date The latest date to filter the ledger by.
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The Ledgers's NextBookmark
RowCount Results Long The Ledgers's RowCount
Status Results String Status
Account Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's Account
CurrencySymbol Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's CurrencySymbol
Description Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's Description
LedgerBalance Results\LedgerResult Double The Ledgers's LedgerBalance
LedgerID Results\LedgerResult Long The Ledgers's LedgerID
Reference Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's Reference
TransactionCode Results\LedgerResult String The Ledgers's TransactionCode
TransactionDate Results\LedgerResult Date The Ledgers's TransactionDate
TransactionNumber Results\LedgerResult Long The Ledgers's TransactionNumber
TransactionValue Results\LedgerResult Double The Ledgers's TransactionValue

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarginLenderDetailGet Method 

Retrieve all the orders of a specified account. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].MarginLenderDetailGet ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long MarginLenderID, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The name of the IOS where the margin lender is located.
MarginLenderID Long ID of the margin lender whose detail you wish to retrieve.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
BufferOnApprovedHolding Results\MarginLenderResult Long BufferOnApprovedHolding flag of the margin lender.
BufferPercentage Results\MarginLenderResult Single BufferPercentage of the margin lender.
BufferTolerance Results\MarginLenderResult Long BufferTolerance flag of the margin lender.
CFD Results\MarginLenderResult Long Contract for difference flag of the margin lender.
Description Results\MarginLenderResult String Description of the margin lender
Name Results\MarginLenderResult String Name of the margin lender.
AllowBuy Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Long This setting indicates whether the margin lender is allowing the security to be bought. Yes - the security can be bought. No - the security cannot be bought.
Buffer Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Single An additional margin buffer to cover option writing for the security. This percentage is added to the server margin buffer.
ContFee Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Single The dollar amount charged per contract when trading contracts for difference (CFDs) for the security.
Currency Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry String Default currency for the security..
Exchange Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry String Exchange of the security.
LotSize Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Long Volume increment. Order volumes for the security can only be in multiples of the specified number.
LVR Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Single Loan to value ratio. The percentage of the portfolio position that can be borrowed.
Margin Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Single Percentage of holdings required for margining CFD positions. The default value is 100 - LVR. Changing this value also changes the LVR value. The specified percentage must be held in cash to cover trading.
MaxShortVol Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Single Maximum volume that can be short sold for all margin lending portfolios.
MaxTotPos Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Single Maximum number of shares for the security that can be held in all margin lending portfolios.
MaxTotPosPercentage Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Single Maximum percentage of the security's shares on issue that can be held in all margin lending portfolios.
MaxTotVal Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Single Maximum value of shares for the security that can be held in all margin lending portfolios.
MaxTotValPercentage Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Single Maximum percentage of the security's market capitalisation that can be held in all margin lending portfolios.
Security Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry String Security code.
Short Results\MarginLenderResult\Entry Long This setting indicates whether the security can be short sold. Yes - the security can be short sold. No - the security cannot be short sold.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderAmendA Method 

Amend a market order's basic order information.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderAmendA ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, LongArray MarketSeqNumArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, StringArray IsTotalVolumeArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to amend your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
MarketSeqNumArray LongArray Unique sequence number of the order(s) you wish to amend.
PriceArray SingleArray The New price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The new volume(s) you wish to trade.
IsTotalVolumeArray StringArray Determines if the changes made will affect the total volume of the order(s). "" - The volume sent is the Total In Market, "Y" - The volume sent is the total volume (ie = Total In Market + Total Done Volume).
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderAmendB Method 

Amend a market order's basic order information as well as attribute settings.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderAmendB ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, LongArray MarketSeqNumArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, StringArray IsTotalVolumeArray, Determines an orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet. AttributesArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to amend your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
MarketSeqNumArray LongArray Unique sequence number of the order(s) you wish to amend.
PriceArray SingleArray The New price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The new volume(s) you wish to trade.
IsTotalVolumeArray StringArray Determines if the changes made will affect the total volume of the order(s). "" - The volume sent is the Total In Market, "Y" - The volume sent is the total volume (ie = Total In Market + Total Done Volume).
AttributesArray Determines an orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet. ArrayOfString
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderAmendC Method 

Amend a market order's basic order information as well as attribute and expiry settings

String Results = [object].MarketOrderAmendC ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, LongArray MarketSeqNumArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, StringArray IsTotalVolumeArray, StringArray AttributesArray, LongArray ExpiryDateArray, LongArray ExpiryTimeArray, StringArray ExternalIDArray, Long lOptions )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to amend your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
MarketSeqNumArray LongArray Unique sequence number of the order(s) you wish to amend.
PriceArray SingleArray The New price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The new volume(s) you wish to trade.
IsTotalVolumeArray StringArray Determines if the changes made will affect the total volume of the order(s). "" - The volume sent is the Total In Market, "Y" - The volume sent is the total volume (ie = Total In Market + Total Done Volume).
AttributesArray StringArray Determines an orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
ExpiryDateArray LongArray Date the order(s) will be removed from the market if it hasn't fully traded. This is a date expressed as a long value, for example 1st Jan 2006 is 20060101. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExpiryTimeArray LongArray Time at which the order(s) will be removed from the market if not fully traded. This value works in conjunction with the ExpiryDateArray Parameter. This is a time expressed as a long value, for example 11:30:10 pm is 233010. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExternalIDArray StringArray External identification code assigned to an order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
lOptions Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderAmendD Method 

Amend a market order's basic order information as well as attribute and expiry settings.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderAmendD ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray,  MarketSeqNumArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, StringArray IsTotalVolumeArray, StringArray AttributesArray, LongArray ExpiryDateArray, LongArray ExpiryTimeArray, LongArray ExpiryDaysArray, StringArray ExternalIDArray, LongArray EvaluateOrderArray, Long lOptions, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to create your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount
MarketSeqNumArray Unique number of the order(s) you wish to amend.
PriceArray SingleArray The Price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The volume(s) you wish to trade.
IsTotalVolumeArray StringArray Determines if the changes made will affect the total volume of the order(s). "" - The volume sent is the Total In Market, "Y" - The volume sent is the total volume (ie = Total In Market + Total Done Volume).
AttributesArray StringArray Determines an orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
ExpiryDateArray LongArray Date the order(s) will be removed from the market if it hasn't fully traded. This is a date expressed as a long value, for example 1st Jan 2006 is 20060101. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExpiryTimeArray LongArray Time at which the order(s) will be removed from the market if not fully traded. This value works in conjunction with the ExpiryDateArray Parameter. This is a time expressed as a long value, for example 11:30:10 pm is 233010. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExpiryDaysArray LongArray Number of trading days until order expires. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExternalIDArray StringArray External identification code assigned to an order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
EvaluateOrderArray LongArray Determines if the order is an evaluation only. eg. 1 - Evaluation only, 0 - Place Order in Market.
lOptions Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <BOInstructions>
  • <CommissionMin>
  • <CommissionRate>
  • <NZXCapitalOrder>
  • <NZXCSN>
  • <NZXEstateWindup>
  • <NZXOneOffSale>
  • <NZXPrescribedPersons>
  • <NZXShortSell>
  • <NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder>
  • <NZXClientHoldingInNZClear>
  • <NZXAustralianClient>
  • <OPInstructions>
  • <RequestSource>
  • <SettlementMethod>
  • <SRN>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderAmendExpiry Method 

Amend a market orders expiry date and time.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderAmendExpiry ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, LongArray MarketSeqNumArray, LongArray ExpiryDateArray, LongArray ExpiryTimeArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to amend your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
MarketSeqNumArray LongArray Unique sequence number of the order(s) you wish to amend.
ExpiryDateArray LongArray Date the order(s) will be removed from the market if it hasn't fully traded.
ExpiryTimeArray LongArray Time at which the order(s) will be removed from the market if it hasn't fully traded. This value works in conjunction with the ExpiryDateArray Parameter.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderAmendExternalID Method 

Amend a market orders ExternalID.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderAmendExternalID ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, LongArray MarketSeqNumArray, StringArray ExternalIDArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to amend your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
MarketSeqNumArray LongArray Unique sequence number of the order(s) you wish to amend.
ExternalIDArray StringArray External identification code assigned to an order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderAttributesGet Method 

Retrieve valid market order attributes.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderAttributesGet ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS to retrieve valid attributes from.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Attribute Results\AttributeResult String The attribute value.
Description Results\AttributeResult String The attribute Description
Exchange Results\AttributeResult String The Exchange on which the attribute is valid.
IsAllowedIfMarketType Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if type is allowed when order is MKT type (for LifeTime attributes).
IsDefault Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if that particular type is the default.
IsExpiryTimeRequired Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if an expiry time is needed.
IsGoodForDayOnlyType Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if type is 'Good for Day only'.
IsMarketToLimitType Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if type is 'Market to Limit'.
IsMarketType Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if the type has the attributes of MKT ie trades through opposite side.
IsQuoteOppositeSide Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if the quote price comes from the opposite side of the market.
IsQuoteSameSide Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if the quote price comes from the same side of the market.
Type Results\AttributeResult String The attribute Type either PRICE or LIFETIME.
UserSpecified Results\AttributeResult String If '1' the user hase to specify a price or lifetime value when using attribute.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderAttributesGet2 Method 

Retrieve valid market order attributes for the specified security.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderAttributesGet2 ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, String Security, String Exchange, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS to retrieve valid attributes from.
Security String A security code
Exchange String An exchange code
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Attribute Results\AttributeResult String The attribute value.
Description Results\AttributeResult String The attribute Description
Exchange Results\AttributeResult String The Exchange on which the attribute is valid.
IsAllowedIfMarketType Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if type is allowed when order is MKT type (for LifeTime attributes).
IsDefault Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if that particular type is the default.
IsExpiryTimeRequired Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if an expiry time is needed.
IsGoodForDayOnlyType Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if type is 'Good for Day only'.
IsMarketToLimitType Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if type is 'Market to Limit'.
IsMarketType Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if the type has the attributes of MKT ie trades through opposite side.
IsQuoteOppositeSide Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if the quote price comes from the opposite side of the market.
IsQuoteSameSide Results\AttributeResult Boolean Determines if the quote price comes from the same side of the market.
Type Results\AttributeResult String The attribute Type either PRICE or LIFETIME.
UserSpecified Results\AttributeResult String If '1' the user hase to specify a price or lifetime value when using attribute.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderCreateA Method 

Create a market order, contains basic order information. The parameters of this method are arrays so you can create one or more orders at a time.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderCreateA ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, StringArray SecurityArray, StringArray ExchangeArray, StringArray BidAskArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to create your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
SecurityArray StringArray The Securities you wish to trade.
ExchangeArray StringArray The exchange(s) that correspond to the codes you wish to trade.
BidAskArray StringArray Determines if an order is either a bid or ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
PriceArray SingleArray The Price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The volume(s) you wish to trade.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderCreateB Method 

Create a market order, contains basic order information as well as attribute information. The parameters of this method are arrays so you can create one or more orders at a time.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderCreateB ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, StringArray SecurityArray, StringArray ExchangeArray, StringArray BidAskArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, StringArray AttributesArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to create your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
SecurityArray StringArray The Securities you wish to trade.
ExchangeArray StringArray The exchange(s) that correspond to the codes you wish to trade.
BidAskArray StringArray Determines if an order is either a bid or ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
PriceArray SingleArray The Price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The volume(s) you wish to trade.
AttributesArray StringArray Determines an orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderCreateC Method 

Create a market order, contains basic order information as well as attribute and expiry information. The parameters of this method are arrays so you can create one or more orders at a time.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderCreateC ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, StringArray SecurityArray, StringArray ExchangeArray, StringArray BidAskArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, StringArray AttributesArray, LongArray ExpiryDateArray, LongArray ExpiryTimeArray, StringArray ExternalIDArray, Long lOptions )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to create your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
SecurityArray StringArray The Securities you wish to trade.
ExchangeArray StringArray The exchange(s) that correspond to the codes you wish to trade.
BidAskArray StringArray Determines if an order is either a bid or ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
PriceArray SingleArray The Price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The volume(s) you wish to trade.
AttributesArray StringArray Determines an orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
ExpiryDateArray LongArray Date the order(s) will be removed from the market if it hasn't fully traded. This is a date expressed as a long value, for example 1st Jan 2006 is 20060101. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExpiryTimeArray LongArray Time at which the order(s) will be removed from the market if not fully traded. This value works in conjunction with the ExpiryDateArray Parameter. This is a time expressed as a long value, for example 11:30:10 pm is 233010. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExternalIDArray StringArray External identification code assigned to an order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
lOptions Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderCreateD Method 

Create a market order.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderCreateD ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, StringArray SecurityArray, StringArray ExchangeArray, StringArray BidAskArray, SingleArray PriceArray, LongArray VolumeArray, StringArray AttributesArray, LongArray ExpiryDateArray, LongArray ExpiryTimeArray, LongArray ExpiryDaysArray, StringArray ExternalIDArray, LongArray ClientOrderNumberArray, StringArray ClientOrderTypeArray, LongArray EvaluateOrderArray, Long lOptions, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to create your Market orders in. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount
SecurityArray StringArray The Securities you wish to trade
ExchangeArray StringArray The exchange(s) that correspond to the codes you wish to trade.
BidAskArray StringArray Determines if an order is either a bid or ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
PriceArray SingleArray The Price(s) that you wish to trade at.
VolumeArray LongArray The volume(s) you wish to trade.
AttributesArray StringArray Determines an orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
ExpiryDateArray LongArray Date the order(s) will be removed from the market if it hasn't fully traded. This is a date expressed as a long value, for example 1st Jan 2006 is 20060101. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExpiryTimeArray LongArray Time at which the order(s) will be removed from the market if not fully traded. This value works in conjunction with the ExpiryDateArray Parameter. This is a time expressed as a long value, for example 11:30:10 pm is 233010. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExpiryDaysArray LongArray Number of trading days until order expires. Specify 0 to not pass a value.
ExternalIDArray StringArray External identification code assigned to an order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
ClientOrderNumberArray LongArray Client Order number to attach this market order to. Pass 0 for default behaviour
ClientOrderTypeArray StringArray The order type value assigned to the order. Order types are assigned as a way of linking or separating multiple client orders for the same security.
EvaluateOrderArray LongArray Determines if the order is an evaluation only. eg. 1 - Evaluation only, 0 - Place Order in Market.
lOptions Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <Advisor>
  • <BOInstructions>
  • <CommissionCategoryID>
  • <CommissionMin>
  • <CommissionRate>
  • <NZXCapitalOrder>
  • <NZXCSN>
  • <NZXEstateWindup>
  • <NZXOneOffSale>
  • <NZXPrescribedPersons>
  • <NZXShortSell>
  • <NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder>
  • <NZXClientHoldingInNZClear>
  • <NZXAustralianClient>
  • <OPInstructions>
  • <OrderGiver>
  • <RequestSource>
  • <SellType>
  • <SettlementMethod>
  • <SRN>
  • <TransactionBasis>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BidAskPrice Results\OrderResult Single The current Bid or Ask price used. Important for "At Market" or "At Best".
Brokerage Results\OrderResult Single Amount of brokerage in the orders total cost.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ClientOrdrNumber of the market order.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
GST Results\OrderResult Single The amount of GST in the orders total cost.
GUID Results\OrderResult String GUID that uniquely identifies the order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
ParentOrderSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The ParentOrderSequenceNumber of the market order.
PostalFee Results\OrderResult Single The postal fee charge in the orders total cost.
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single The total charges incurred when executing the market order
TotalCost Results\OrderResult Single The total cost of the market order.
TotalValue Results\OrderResult Single The total value of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderDelete Method 

Delete a market order.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderDelete ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, LongArray MarketSeqNumArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) you wish to delete your Market orders from. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
MarketSeqNumArray LongArray Unique sequence number of the order(s) you wish to delete.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Status \IRESSXMLData-IOSXMLReq\MarketOrderDeleteResults\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription \IRESSXMLData-IOSXMLReq\MarketOrderDeleteResults\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderGetByAccount Method 

Retrieve all the market orders of a specified account.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderGetByAccount ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSAccount, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccount String The IOS Account you wish to retrive information on. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount
Options Long Extra output options specified as a long
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Account Results\OrderResult String The account the market order is placed on.
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String The exchange of the security the order was placed on.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Security Results\OrderResult String The security the order was placed on.
SecurityType Results\OrderResult Long The security type security the order was placed on.
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.
Volume Results\OrderResult Long The volume of the order still on the market.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  MarketOrderGetByGUID Method 

Retrieve a market orders specified by its GUID.

String Results = [object].MarketOrderGetByGUID ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, StringArray GUIDArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) whose market orders you wish to retrieve. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
GUIDArray StringArray GUID(s) of the order(s) you wish to retrieve.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Account Results\OrderResult String The account the market order is placed on.
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
CSN Results\OrderResult String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String The exchange of the security the order was placed on.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String The external identification field of the market order.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult Single Original volume specified when the order was created
Price Results\OrderResult Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
Security Results\OrderResult String The security the order was placed on.
SecurityType Results\OrderResult Long The security type security the order was placed on.
Status Results\OrderResult String The status of the market order.
StatusDescription Results\OrderResult String The description of the market status of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.
Volume Results\OrderResult Long The volume of the order still on the market.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  PortfolioDelete Method 

Delete the specified portfolios.

String Results = [object].PortfolioDelete ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, LongArray PortfolioIDArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS where the Portfolio's are located.
PortfolioIDArray LongArray An Array of ID's relating Portfolio's you wish to delete.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  PortfolioDetailGet Method 

Retrieve the details of the specified portfolio.

String Results = [object].PortfolioDetailGet ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long PortfolioID, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS where the Portfolio is located.
PortfolioID Long ID of the Portfolio whose detail you wish to retrieve.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AccruedInterest Results\PortfolioResult String Interest accrued on the margin lending account.
Cash Results\PortfolioResult Single The tradable equity available in the portfolio for placing buy orders in the market.
CFD Results\PortfolioResult Long Indicates if the portfolio is linked to a CFD margin lender.
ClosingBuys Results\PortfolioResult String Total value of orders buying back option written positions.
CollateralCash Results\PortfolioResult String The market value of lodged stock which can be used for option trading.
CommissionCategoryID Results\PortfolioResult String A commission category can be assigned to a portfolio so that commission values can be included in the checking process, and reflected in the net cash.
Currency Results\PortfolioResult String Default currency of the portfolio.
FacilityLimit Results\PortfolioResult String Maximum credit available for margin lending.
ID Results\PortfolioResult Long ID of the portfolio you have access to.
IOSAccount Results\PortfolioResult String
LoanLimit Results\PortfolioResult String The total dollar value that can be borrowed against the portfolio. This field is only populated if a Margin Lender has been selected and the portfolio is linked to an account that is set up to check holdings and cash balance.
MarginLenderID Results\PortfolioResult Long ID of the margin lender the portfolio is linked to.
MarketValue Results\PortfolioResult Single Market value of the portfolio.
Name Results\PortfolioResult String Name of the portfolio you have access to.
OptMargin Results\PortfolioResult String The total value of cash that is locked, i.e. cash that cannot be used for option trading.
OptMarginCash Results\PortfolioResult String The total value of cash available for buying options. If this value is less than Option margin, any options written must be authorised.
OptNetCash Results\PortfolioResult String The total value of cash available for writing options.
OptUnsettledSales Results\PortfolioResult String The value of options trades transacted today.
UnsettledPurchases Results\PortfolioResult Single The total value of unsettled buy orders for the current day.
UnsettledSales Results\PortfolioResult Single The total value of unsettled sell orders for the current day.
YesterdaysSales Results\PortfolioResult String The total value of equity sales transacted on the previous business day.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  PortfolioDetailGet2 Method 

Retrieve the details of the specified portfolio.

String Results = [object].PortfolioDetailGet2 ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long PortfolioID, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The name of the IOS where the portfolio is located.
PortfolioID Long ID of the Portfolio whose detail you wish to retrieve.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <PortfolioBalanceUpdate>
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AccruedInterest Results\PortfolioResult String Interest accrued on the margin lending account.
ActualCash Results\PortfolioResult Single The current balance of the account
Balance Results\PortfolioResult Single Bank balance, i.e. cash in the bank.
BalanceUpdateDateTime Results\PortfolioResult Date The DateTime of when the portfolios balance was last updated.
CFD Results\PortfolioResult Long Indicates if the portfolio is linked to a CFD margin lender.
ClosingBuys Results\PortfolioResult String Total value of orders buying back option written positions.
CollateralCash Results\PortfolioResult String The market value of lodged stock which can be used for option trading.
CommissionCategoryID Results\PortfolioResult String A commission category can be assigned to a portfolio so that commission values can be included in the checking process, and reflected in the net cash.
Currency Results\PortfolioResult String Default currency of the portfolio.
FacilityLimit Results\PortfolioResult String Maximum credit available for margin lending.
ID Results\PortfolioResult Long ID of the portfolio you have access to.
InMarketBuysValue Results\PortfolioResult Single Total value of buy orders in the market.
IOSAccount Results\PortfolioResult String
LoanLimit Results\PortfolioResult String The total dollar value that can be borrowed against the portfolio. This field is only populated if a Margin Lender has been selected and the portfolio is linked to an account that is set up to check holdings and cash balance.
MarginLenderID Results\PortfolioResult Long ID of the margin lender the portfolio is linked to.
Name Results\PortfolioResult String Name of the portfolio you have access to.
NetCash Results\PortfolioResult Single The tradable equity available in the portfolio for placing buy orders in the market. This field automatically updates as the other Cash Position fields change.
OptMargin Results\PortfolioResult String The total value of cash that is locked, i.e. cash that cannot be used for option trading.
OptMarginCash Results\PortfolioResult String The total value of cash available for buying options. If this value is less than Option margin, any options written must be authorised.
OptNetCash Results\PortfolioResult String The total value of cash available for writing options.
OptUnsettledSales Results\PortfolioResult String The value of options trades transacted today.
UnsettledPurchases Results\PortfolioResult Single The total value of unsettled buy orders for the current day.
UnsettledSales Results\PortfolioResult Single The total value of unsettled sell orders for the current day.
YesterdaysSales Results\PortfolioResult String The total value of equity sales transacted on the previous business day.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  PortfolioHoldingsDetailGetA Method 

Retrieve all holdings in the specified portfolio.

String Results = [object].PortfolioHoldingsDetailGetA ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long PortfolioID, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS where the Portfolio is located.
PortfolioID Long ID of the Portfolio whose holdings you wish to retrieve.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AbsLimit Results\PortfolioResult Single Maximum gross volume (volume bought plus volume sold) that can be traded before orders are diverted to the Supervisor for authorisation
AbsVol Results\PortfolioResult Long Gross volume traded on the current day. This value is zeroed out at the end of each day.
AveBuyPrice Results\PortfolioResult Single The average price of shares bought.
AveCost Results\PortfolioResult Single The average cost per share over the life of the position.
AveCostTod Results\PortfolioResult Single The average cost per share for the current day's trading.
AveSellPrice Results\PortfolioResult Single The average price of shares sold today.
BuyVal Results\PortfolioResult Single Value of shares sold today.
BuyVol Results\PortfolioResult Long Volume of shares sold today.
CFD Results\PortfolioResult Long Indicates if the portfolio is linked to a CFD margin lender.
ConversionRate Results\PortfolioResult Single Currency conversion rate.
Exchange Results\PortfolioResult String Exchange the security is traded on.
FeePerContract Results\PortfolioResult Single FeePerContract of the portfolio.
InMrktBuy Results\PortfolioResult Long The total value of buy orders currently in the market. This includes buy orders created in all the accounts assigned to the portfolio.
InMrktSell Results\PortfolioResult Long The total value of sell orders currently in the market. This includes sell orders created in all the accounts assigned to the portfolio.
LodgedVol Results\PortfolioResult Long Lodged volume. The volume of shares lodged with the OCH (Options Clearing House) for use as collateral cover
LVR Results\PortfolioResult Single Loan to value ratio. The percentage of the portfolio position that can be borrowed.
LVRStatus Results\PortfolioResult Long The LVR status.
NetLimit Results\PortfolioResult Single Maximum net volume that can be traded before orders are diverted to the Supervisor for authorisation.
NetVol Results\PortfolioResult Long The net volume traded today.
PledTO Results\PortfolioResult Long Pledged Takeover
Security Results\PortfolioResult String Security code of the position.
SellVal Results\PortfolioResult Single Value of shares sold today.
SellVol Results\PortfolioResult Long Volume of shares sold today.
UnlistedLastPrice Results\PortfolioResult Single Last price of the security if it is unlisted.
VolSOD Results\PortfolioResult Long The volume held at the start of the day.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  PortfolioHoldingsDetailGetB Method 

Retrieve all holdings of a specified security in the portfolio.

String Results = [object].PortfolioHoldingsDetailGetB ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long PortfolioID, String Security, String Exchange, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS where the Portfolio is located.
PortfolioID Long ID of the Portfolio whose holdings you wish to retrieve.
Security String The Security you wish to view your holdings of.
Exchange String Exchange of the security that you want to view your holdings of.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AbsLimit Results\PortfolioResult Single Maximum gross volume (volume bought plus volume sold) that can be traded before orders are diverted to the Supervisor for authorisation
AbsVol Results\PortfolioResult Long Gross volume traded on the current day. This value is zeroed out at the end of each day.
AveBuyPrice Results\PortfolioResult Single The average price of shares bought.
AveCost Results\PortfolioResult Single The average cost per share over the life of the position.
AveCostTod Results\PortfolioResult Single The average cost per share for the current day's trading.
AveSellPrice Results\PortfolioResult Single The average price of shares sold today.
BuyVal Results\PortfolioResult Single Value of shares sold today.
BuyVol Results\PortfolioResult Long Volume of shares sold today.
CFD Results\PortfolioResult Long Indicates if the portfolio is linked to a CFD margin lender.
Exchange Results\PortfolioResult String Exchange the security is traded on.
FeePerContract Results\PortfolioResult Single FeePerContract of the portfolio.
InMrktBuy Results\PortfolioResult Long The total value of buy orders currently in the market. This includes buy orders created in all the accounts assigned to the portfolio.
InMrktSell Results\PortfolioResult Long The total value of sell orders currently in the market. This includes sell orders created in all the accounts assigned to the portfolio.
LodgedVol Results\PortfolioResult Long Lodged volume. The volume of shares lodged with the OCH (Options Clearing House) for use as collateral cover
LVR Results\PortfolioResult Single Loan to value ratio. The percentage of the portfolio position that can be borrowed.
LVRStatus Results\PortfolioResult Long The LVR status.
NetLimit Results\PortfolioResult Single Maximum net volume that can be traded before orders are diverted to the Supervisor for authorisation.
NetVol Results\PortfolioResult Long The net volume traded today.
PledTO Results\PortfolioResult Long Pledged Takeover
Security Results\PortfolioResult String Security code of the position.
SellVal Results\PortfolioResult Single Value of shares sold today.
SellVol Results\PortfolioResult Long Volume of shares sold today.
UnlistedLastPrice Results\PortfolioResult Single Last price of the security if it is unlisted.
VolSOD Results\PortfolioResult Long The volume held at the start of the day.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  PortfolioListGet Method 

Retrieve a list of the user's portfolios on the specified IOS.

String Results = [object].PortfolioListGet ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS where the Portfolio's you wish to retrieve are located.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
ID Results\PortfolioResult Long ID of the portfolio you have access to.
Name Results\PortfolioResult String Name of the portfolio you have access to.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  RetailOrderGetAll Method 

Retrieve all Retail Orders for a specified IOS.

String Results = [object].RetailOrderGetAll ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Date StartDateTime, Date EndDateTime, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS on which you wish to retrive information
StartDateTime Date The earliest date of retail orders you wish to retrieve
EndDateTime Date The latest date of retail orders you wish to retrieve
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The bookmark at which you will receive the next page
RowCount Results Long Numberof rows returned
Status Results Long Status
AccName Results\OrderResult String The full name of the account.
AdminFeeCheck Results\OrderResult String Indicates whether the order attracts an administration fee.
BasisCompanyAnnouncements Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was placed based on recent company announcements.
BasisCompanyReports Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order has resulted from information recently reported by the company whose security is being traded.
BasisDetails Results\OrderResult String The reasons the order was placed
BasisHouseResearch Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order is based on results from research conducted in-house.
BasisLongTermGrowth Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the security being traded was chosen for its long term growth potential.
BasisLowVolatility Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the security selected for the order was specifically chosen for its low volatility.
BasisNonAdvisory Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was placed at the request of the client, and no advice was given to procure the order.
BasisOther Results\OrderResult Long Additional information about why the order was placed.
BasisPressArticle Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order is the result of a recent press article.
BasisRaisingFunds Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order is being undertaken by the client to raise funds.
BasisShortTermTrading Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the security was chosen for its short term trading potential.
BasisSolicited Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was the result of consultation from the advisor to the client.
BasisTakingProfit Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was placed to realise profit.
BasisTechAnalysis Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the trade was initiated due to signals indicated in a chart.
BasisYield Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the security being traded was specifically selected for its yield.
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long Unique IOS client order number.
Commission Results\OrderResult String Commission information for the order.
Confirmed Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order details were confirmed by being read back to the client.
Currency Results\OrderResult String The currency of the retail order.
DeliveryVersusPayment Results\OrderResult String Delivery versus payment.
GivenBy Results\OrderResult String The client or person responsible for requesting the order be created.
IdentityVerified Results\OrderResult Long The identityverified property for the order.
IOSAccount Results\OrderResult String The IOS and account through which the order was placed.
MethodDetails Results\OrderResult String Details of the method by which the order was received.
MethodEmail Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was received via email.
MethodFax Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was received by fax.
MethodIntermediary Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was placed by an intermediary.
MethodLetter Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was received by mail.
MethodPersonal Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was placed in person.
MethodPhone Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order was received over the phone.
PayBpay Results\OrderResult Long Pay by cheque order properties.
PayCheque Results\OrderResult Long Pay by cheque order properties.
PayDetails Results\OrderResult String Details of the payment for the order.
PayDirectDeposit Results\OrderResult Long Pay by direct details order properties.
PayDVP Results\OrderResult Long Pay by DVP order properties.
PayOtherAccount Results\OrderResult Long Pay by cheque order properties.
PhysDesc Results\OrderResult String Physical description of the order.
ReceivedBy Results\OrderResult String The advisor or company representative who received the order.
RegAnotherSponsored Results\OrderResult Long Indicates that the shares are sponsored by a different broker to that which is performing the trade.
RegAnotherSponsoredVol Results\OrderResult Long The volume sponsored by the other broker.
RegBrokerSponsored Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the order volume is sponsored by the broker actioning the trade.
RegBrokerSponsoredVol Results\OrderResult Long The volume sponsored by the broker.
RegDvp Results\OrderResult String Delivery versus payment
RegHin Results\OrderResult String Holder identification number.
RegInstructionIssued Results\OrderResult Long Indicates that the broker has been instructed to transfer the shares by the client but does not sponsor the holding.
RegIssuerSponsored Results\OrderResult Long Indicates whether the holding/trade is sponsored by the share issuer.
RegIssuerSponsoredVol Results\OrderResult Long The volume sponsored by the issuer.
RegMarginLending Results\OrderResult String Margin lending account details.
RegPid Results\OrderResult String Personal identification number.
RegSettlementMethod Results\OrderResult String The settlement method for the order.
RegSrn Results\OrderResult String Security reference numbers and the corresponding volumes.
RetailStatus Results\OrderResult String Status of the retail order. Statuses can be:"Amend", "Delete", "Loaded", "New"
SettlementCurrency Results\OrderResult String Settlement currency.
SettlementDate Results\OrderResult String Settlement date.
SpecialDetails Results\OrderResult String The type selected for the special details. This can be one of: "Warning", "Disclosure", "Special"
SpecialDetailsType Results\OrderResult Long The type selected for the special details.
TimeStamp Results\OrderResult Date Timestamp of the order.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  ServerInfoGet Method 

Retrieve IOS server information.

String Results = [object].ServerInfoGet ( String TradingSessionKey, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
IOSName Results\ServerInfoResult String The name of the IOS Server
ProductVersionDescription Results\ServerInfoResult String The IOS server's ProductVersionDescription
ProductVersionNumber Results\ServerInfoResult Double The Contract note's ProductVersionNumber

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  SimpleOrderGetAll Method 

Retrieve all SimpleOrders for a specified IOS.

String Results = [object].SimpleOrderGetAll ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS on which you wish to retrive information
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The bookmark at which you will receive the next page
RowCount Results Long Numberof rows returned
Status Results String Status
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BOInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's BOInstructions
ClientInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's ClientInstructions
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long Unique IOS client order number.
ComissionMin Results\OrderResult Double The Order's ComissionMin
CommissionCategory Results\OrderResult String The Order's CommissionCategory
CommissionRate Results\OrderResult Double The Order's CommissionRate
CommissionRateType Results\OrderResult Long The Order's CommissionRateType
CreateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was created.
DoneValue Results\OrderResult Single The dollar value of trades transacted on the order
DoneVolume Results\OrderResult Long Volume traded for the order.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String Exchange on which the security is traded.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String External identification code assigned to a client order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
IOSAccount Results\OrderResult String Name of the IOS and account to which the order has been allocated. In the syntax [IOSUSER@]IOSName->IOSAccount
MarketPriceFlag Results\OrderResult Long MarketPriceFlag of the client order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OPInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's OPInstructions
OrdPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price that was sent to the market with the first volume installment for the order.
OrdVol Results\OrderResult Single Original volume entered into the IOS Order Pad command for the client order.
PrevDoneValue Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneValue since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneValue.
PrevDoneVolume Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneVolume since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneVolume.
Security Results\OrderResult String Exchange code of the security.
SettlementMethod Results\OrderResult String The Order's SettlementMethod
SRN Results\OrderResult String The Order's SRN
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single Total charges of the order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was last updated.
WorkingOrdStatus Results\OrderResult String The Order's WorkingOrdStatus
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
CSN Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String External identification code assigned to a market order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original volume specified when the order was created
Price Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
SequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
ServerDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The description of the market status of the market order.
ServerStatus Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The server status of the market order.
Status Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The status of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.
Volume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The volume of the order still on the market.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  SimpleOrderGetByAccount Method 

Retrieve all the orders of a specified account.

String Results = [object].SimpleOrderGetByAccount ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) whose simple orders you wish to retrieve. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Account Results\OrderResult String Name of the account to which the order has been allocated.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BOInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's BOInstructions
ClientInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's ClientInstructions
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long Unique IOS client order number.
ComissionMin Results\OrderResult Double The Order's ComissionMin
CommissionCategory Results\OrderResult String The Order's CommissionCategory
CommissionRate Results\OrderResult Double The Order's CommissionRate
CommissionRateType Results\OrderResult Long The Order's CommissionRateType
CreateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was created.
DoneValue Results\OrderResult Single The dollar value of trades transacted on the order. This value is added to the PrevDoneValue during the nightly clean job
DoneVolume Results\OrderResult Long Volume traded for the order. This volume is added to the PrevDoneVolume during the nightly clean job.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String Exchange on which the security is traded.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String External identification code assigned to a client order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
IOSAccount Results\OrderResult String Name of the IOS and account to which the order has been allocated. In the syntax [IOSUSER@]IOSName->IOSAccount
MarketPriceFlag Results\OrderResult Long MarketPriceFlag of the client order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OPInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's OPInstructions
OrdPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price that was sent to the market with the first volume installment for the order.
OrdVol Results\OrderResult Single Original volume entered into the IOS Order Pad command for the client order.
PrevDoneValue Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneValue since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneValue.
PrevDoneVolume Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneVolume since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneVolume.
Security Results\OrderResult String Exchange code of the security.
SettlementMethod Results\OrderResult String The Order's SettlementMethod
SRN Results\OrderResult String The Order's SRN
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single Total charges of the order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was last updated.
WorkingOrdStatus Results\OrderResult String The Order's WorkingOrdStatus
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
CSN Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String External identification code assigned to a market order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original volume specified when the order was created
Price Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
SequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
ServerDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The description of the market status of the market order.
ServerStatus Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The server status of the market order.
Status Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The status of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.
Volume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The volume of the order still on the market.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  SimpleOrderGetByAccount2 Method 

Retrieve all the orders of a specified account. Supports paging.

String Results = [object].SimpleOrderGetByAccount2 ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSAccount, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccount String The IOS Account(s) whose simple orders you wish to retrieve. If only the IOSName is given then all orders the user has access to will be retrieved. Syntax: [UserName@]IOSName[->IOSAccount].
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The bookmark at which you will receive the next page
RowCount Results Long Numberof rows returned
Status Results String Status
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BOInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's BOInstructions
ClientInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's ClientInstructions
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long Unique IOS client order number.
ComissionMin Results\OrderResult Double The Order's ComissionMin
CommissionCategory Results\OrderResult String The Order's CommissionCategory
CommissionRate Results\OrderResult Double The Order's CommissionRate
CommissionRateType Results\OrderResult Long The Order's CommissionRateType
CreateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was created.
DoneValue Results\OrderResult Single The dollar value of trades transacted on the order
DoneVolume Results\OrderResult Long Volume traded for the order.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String Exchange on which the security is traded.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String External identification code assigned to a client order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
IOSAccount Results\OrderResult String Name of the IOS and account to which the order has been allocated. In the syntax [IOSUSER@]IOSName->IOSAccount
MarketPriceFlag Results\OrderResult Long MarketPriceFlag of the client order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OPInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's OPInstructions
OrdPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price that was sent to the market with the first volume installment for the order.
OrdVol Results\OrderResult Single Original volume entered into the IOS Order Pad command for the client order.
PrevDoneValue Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneValue since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneValue.
PrevDoneVolume Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneVolume since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneVolume.
Security Results\OrderResult String Exchange code of the security.
SettlementMethod Results\OrderResult String The Order's SettlementMethod
SRN Results\OrderResult String The Order's SRN
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single Total charges of the order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was last updated.
WorkingOrdStatus Results\OrderResult String The Order's WorkingOrdStatus
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
CSN Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String External identification code assigned to a market order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original volume specified when the order was created
Price Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
SequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
ServerDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The description of the market status of the market order.
ServerStatus Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The server status of the market order.
Status Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The status of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.
Volume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The volume of the order still on the market.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  SimpleOrderGetByClientOrderNumber Method 

Retrieve the orders with the specified ClientOrderNumbers.

String Results = [object].SimpleOrderGetByClientOrderNumber ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, LongArray ClientOrderNumberArray, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS to retrieve the simple orders from.
ClientOrderNumberArray LongArray An array of ClientOrderNumbers. Also called OrdNo in Uis.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Account Results\OrderResult String Name of the account to which the order has been allocated.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BOInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's BOInstructions
ClientInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's ClientInstructions
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long Unique IOS client order number.
ComissionMin Results\OrderResult Double The Order's ComissionMin
CommissionCategory Results\OrderResult String The Order's CommissionCategory
CommissionRate Results\OrderResult Double The Order's CommissionRate
CommissionRateType Results\OrderResult Long The Order's CommissionRateType
CreateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was created.
DoneValue Results\OrderResult Single The dollar value of trades transacted on the order
DoneVolume Results\OrderResult Long Volume traded for the order.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String Exchange on which the security is traded.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String External identification code assigned to a client order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
IOSAccount Results\OrderResult String Name of the IOS and account to which the order has been allocated. In the syntax [IOSUSER@]IOSName->IOSAccount
MarketPriceFlag Results\OrderResult Long MarketPriceFlag of the client order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OPInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's OPInstructions
OrdPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price that was sent to the market with the first volume installment for the order.
OrdVol Results\OrderResult Single Original volume entered into the IOS Order Pad command for the client order.
PrevDoneValue Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneValue since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneValue.
PrevDoneVolume Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneVolume since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneVolume.
Security Results\OrderResult String Exchange code of the security.
SettlementMethod Results\OrderResult String The Order's SettlementMethod
SRN Results\OrderResult String The Order's SRN
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single Total charges of the order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was last updated.
WorkingOrdStatus Results\OrderResult String The Order's WorkingOrdStatus
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
CSN Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String External identification code assigned to a market order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original volume specified when the order was created
Price Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
SequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
ServerDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The description of the market status of the market order.
ServerStatus Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The server status of the market order.
Status Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The status of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.
Volume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The volume of the order still on the market.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  SimpleOrderGetByGUID Method 

Retrieve an order specified by its GUID.

String Results = [object].SimpleOrderGetByGUID ( String TradingSessionKey, StringArray IOSAccountArray, StringArray GUIDArray, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccountArray StringArray The IOS Account(s) whose simple orders you wish to retrieve. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount. If you have multiple users on one IOS the username must be specified as follows UserName@IOSName->IOSAccount.
GUIDArray StringArray GUID(s) of the order(s) you wish to retrieve.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Account Results\OrderResult String Name of the account to which the order has been allocated.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult string Represents if the order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
BOInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's BOInstructions
ClientInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's ClientInstructions
ClientOrderNumber Results\OrderResult Long Unique IOS client order number.
ComissionMin Results\OrderResult Double The Order's ComissionMin
CommissionCategory Results\OrderResult String The Order's CommissionCategory
CommissionRate Results\OrderResult Double The Order's CommissionRate
CommissionRateType Results\OrderResult Long The Order's CommissionRateType
CreateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was created.
DoneValue Results\OrderResult Single The dollar value of trades transacted on the order
DoneVolume Results\OrderResult Long Volume traded for the order.
Exchange Results\OrderResult String Exchange on which the security is traded.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult String External identification code assigned to a client order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
IOSAccount Results\OrderResult String Name of the IOS and account to which the order has been allocated. In the syntax [IOSUSER@]IOSName->IOSAccount
MarketPriceFlag Results\OrderResult Long MarketPriceFlag of the client order.
NZXAustralianClient Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX Australia property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX NZCSD property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Results\OrderResult Long The market orders NZX multiple property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OPInstructions Results\OrderResult String The Order's OPInstructions
OrdPrice Results\OrderResult Single The price that was sent to the market with the first volume installment for the order.
OrdVol Results\OrderResult Single Original volume entered into the IOS Order Pad command for the client order.
PrevDoneValue Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneValue since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneValue.
PrevDoneVolume Results\OrderResult Single Total of DoneVolume since the order first traded. Note: This does not include the current DoneVolume.
Security Results\OrderResult String Exchange code of the security.
SettlementMethod Results\OrderResult String The Order's SettlementMethod
SRN Results\OrderResult String The Order's SRN
TotalCharges Results\OrderResult Single Total charges of the order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult Date DateTime of when the order was last updated.
WorkingOrdStatus Results\OrderResult String The Order's WorkingOrdStatus
AttributesDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The market orders attributes. Valid Attributes can be obtained from the MarketOrderAttributesGet.
BidAsk Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder string Represents if the Marlet order is a Bid or an Ask. "A" - Ask, "B" - Bid.
CSN Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The Common Shareholder Number (CSN) property for the market order. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
ExpiryDate Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry date on the market order.
ExpiryDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The expiry date and time on the market order.
ExpiryTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The expiry time on the market order.
ExternalID Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String External identification code assigned to a market order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
LastSentPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last price sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSentVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The last volume sent by the IOS to the exchange.
LastSubmittedPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The price of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
LastSubmittedVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The volume of the last submitted action on the specified market order, regardless of whether the order succeeded or failed.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
NZXCapitalOrder Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX capital order property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXEstateWindup Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX estate windup property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXOneOffSale Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX one off sale property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXPerscribedPersons Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed persons property. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
NZXShortSell Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The market orders NZX perscribed short sell. This property should only relevent to brokers in New Zealand.
OriginalPrice Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original price specified when the order was created
OriginalVolume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single Original volume specified when the order was created
Price Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Single The effective price. Important for "At Market +" or "At Specified".
SequenceNumber Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The MarketSequenceNumber of the market order.
ServerDescription Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The description of the market status of the market order.
ServerStatus Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The server status of the market order.
Status Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder String The status of the market order.
UpdateDateTime Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Date The DateTime of when the market order was updated last.
Volume Results\OrderResult\MarketOrder Long The volume of the order still on the market.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  TradesGetAll Method 

Retrieve all trades for a specified IOS.

String Results = [object].TradesGetAll ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSName, Date StartDate, Date EndDate, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSName String The Name of the IOS on which you wish to retrive information
StartDate Date The earliest date of trades you wish to retrieve
EndDate Date The latest date of trades you wish to retrieve
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results,
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The bookmark at which you will receive the next page
RowCount Results Long Numberof rows returned
Status Results Long Status
AccountID Results\TradeResult Long Internal IOS account ID.
BuySell Results\TradeResult String B = buy transaction. S = Sell transaction.
ClientOrderNumber Results\TradeResult Long Unique IOS client order number.
ClientOrderType Results\TradeResult String The order type value assigned to the order. Order types are assigned as a way of linking or separating multiple client orders for the same security.
CrossRef Results\TradeResult String Broker cross reference code.
Date Results\TradeResult Long Date of the trade.
DateTime Results\TradeResult Date Date and time the transaction took place.
Exchange Results\TradeResult String Exchange the trade was actioned through. e.g. ASX, AOM or SFE.
ExternalID Results\TradeResult String External identification code assigned to a client order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
IOSAccount Results\TradeResult String IOS and Account the trade was executed on.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\TradeResult Long Unique number specifying market order.
OrderDoneValue Results\TradeResult Single Total amount traded on the order.
Price Results\TradeResult Single Price of the trade.
Security Results\TradeResult String Exchange code of the security.
SecurityType Results\TradeResult Long Security Type of the security.
STTradeNumber Results\TradeResult Long Extended trade number from SEATS.
Time Results\TradeResult Long Time the transaction took place.
TotalCharges Results\TradeResult Single Total charges associated with the order.
TradeNumber Results\TradeResult Long A unique number for the order on the exchange service.
TradeNumberC Results\TradeResult Long Trade cancellation number.
User Results\TradeResult String IOS user name responsible for the trade.
Value Results\TradeResult Single Dollar value of the trade.
Volume Results\TradeResult Single Volume traded.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  TradesGetByAccount Method 

Retrieve completed trades by account.

String Results = [object].TradesGetByAccount ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSAccount, Long StartDate, Long EndDate, String Security, String Exchange, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccount String The IOS Account whose trades you wish to retrieve.
StartDate Long The earliest date of trades you wish to retrieve. Must be in the following format YYYYMMDD, i.e. the 18th of February 2004 will be 20040218.
EndDate Long The latest date of trades you wish to retrieve. Must be in the following format YYYYMMDD, i.e. the 18th of February 2004 will be 20040218.
Security String The security you wish to filter on. If you do not wish to filter on security then pass in an empty string "".
Exchange String The exchange of the security you wish to filter on. If you do not wish to filter on security then pass in an empty string "".
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
AccountID Results\TradeResult Long Internal IOS account ID.
BidAsk Results\TradeResult String Determines if the trade was a bid(buy) or an ask(sell).
ClientOrderNumber Results\TradeResult Long Unique IOS client order number.
ClientOrderType Results\TradeResult String The order type value assigned to the order. Order types are assigned as a way of linking or separating multiple client orders for the same security.
CrossRef Results\TradeResult String Broker cross reference code.
Date Results\TradeResult Long Date of the trade.
Exchange Results\TradeResult String Exchange the trade was actioned through. e.g. ASX, AOM or SFE.
ExternalID Results\TradeResult String External identification code assigned to a client order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\TradeResult Long Unique number specifying market order.
Price Results\TradeResult Single Price of the trade.
Security Results\TradeResult String Exchange code of the security.
STTradeNumber Results\TradeResult Long Extended trade number from SEATS.
Time Results\TradeResult Long Time the transaction took place.
TradeNumber Results\TradeResult Long A unique number for the order on the exchange service.
TradeNumberC Results\TradeResult Long Trade cancellation number.
User Results\TradeResult String IOS user name responsible for the trade.
Value Results\TradeResult Single Dollar value of the trade.
Volume Results\TradeResult Single Volume traded.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  TradesGetByAccount2 Method 

Retrieve completed trades by account.

String Results = [object].TradesGetByAccount2 ( String TradingSessionKey, String IOSAccount, Long StartDate, Long EndDate, String Security, String Exchange, Long RowCount, String Bookmark, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of the Logon object.
IOSAccount String The IOS Account whose trades you wish to retrieve.
StartDate Long The earliest date of trades you wish to retrieve. Must be in the following format YYYYMMDD, i.e. the 18th of February 2004 will be 20040218.
EndDate Long The latest date of trades you wish to retrieve. Must be in the following format YYYYMMDD, i.e. the 18th of February 2004 will be 20040218.
Security String The security you wish to filter on. If you do not wish to filter on security then pass in an empty string "".
Exchange String The exchange of the security you wish to filter on. If you do not wish to filter on security then pass in an empty string "".
RowCount Long Number of rows you wish to retrieve
Bookmark String The bookmark at which you wish to begin receiving results,
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
NextBookmark Results String The bookmark at which you will receive the next page
RowCount Results Long Numberof rows returned
Status Results Long Status
AccountID Results\TradeResult Long Internal IOS account ID.
BidAsk Results\TradeResult String Determines if the trade was a bid(buy) or an ask(sell).
ClientOrderNumber Results\TradeResult Long Unique IOS client order number.
ClientOrderType Results\TradeResult String The order type value assigned to the order. Order types are assigned as a way of linking or separating multiple client orders for the same security.
CrossRef Results\TradeResult String Broker cross reference code.
Date Results\TradeResult Long Date of the trade.
Exchange Results\TradeResult String Exchange the trade was actioned through. e.g. ASX, AOM or SFE.
ExternalID Results\TradeResult String External identification code assigned to a client order. This is a custom value used when linking orders to an external system.
MarketSequenceNumber Results\TradeResult Long Unique number specifying market order.
Price Results\TradeResult Single Price of the trade.
Security Results\TradeResult String Exchange code of the security.
STTradeNumber Results\TradeResult Long Extended trade number from SEATS.
Time Results\TradeResult Long Time the transaction took place.
TradeNumber Results\TradeResult Long A unique number for the order on the exchange service.
TradeNumberC Results\TradeResult Long Trade cancellation number.
User Results\TradeResult String IOS user name responsible for the trade.
Value Results\TradeResult Single Dollar value of the trade.
Volume Results\TradeResult Single Volume traded.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: IOSXMLReq.wsdl

  Error Attribute 

Error Id Error Description
0 No Error.
1 Server Error (The server may be down or in maintenance).
2 Access Error (User do not have permission to retrieve particular data).
3 Security ID Error (Security ID entered could not be found).
6 No Error - Data Incomplete.
9 Error Occured In XML Body (Check XML body for a more specific error code).
31 No security code given when adding securities to a watchlist or user portfolio.
32 Invalid security code given when adding securities to a watchlist or user portfolio.
33 The security code entered already exist specified watchlist or user portfolio.
41 Watchlist Code Input Error (No watchlist code was entered or the code is missing a '$' symbol for a user watchlist or a '/' symbol for a global watchlist).
42 Watchlist, User Portfolio or Watchlist Group Does Not Exist Error (The watchlist or watchlist group entered does not exist in the database).
51 The IOS Portfolio Does Not Exist.

  Status Attribute 

Status Id Status Description
2 Access Error (User does not have permission to use paticular method)
17 Request was successful - synchronous.
18 Request was successful - asynchronous. If the request was not intended to be asynchronous then this could indicated a timeout error.
19 Request was successful - default.
33 Unidentified error.
34 Request was improperly formatted.
35 Unknown IOS address or IOSWeb offline./Internal error.

  OptionsXML Parameter 

OptionsXML is an optional parameter for some methods. Its purpose is to allow additional settings to be specified for the method call.
It is specified as an XML element, <OptionsXML>, with child elements for each setting.
The parameter is of type String, so the element must be encoded as a string according to the SOAP encoding specifications.


For the follwoing xml element:


The encoded string would be:


When part of a SOAP request, it should look like:


OptionsXML Child Elements
Name Type Description Example
Advisor String Sets an orders Advisor. <Advisor>ADMIN</Advisor>
AdvisorWorking Integer Only used in ClientOrderCreate to indicate whether the new client order is an advisor working order. 1 - Advisor working order, 0 - Not advisor working order <AdvisorWorking>1</AdvisorWorking>
BOInstructions String Sets an orders back office instructions. <BOInstructions>12A Request</BOInstructions>
BPO Long Indicates if an order will be a BPO order. 1 - BPO Order, 0 - Not a BPO Order <BPO>1</BPO>
CommissionCategoryID Integer Sets an orders commission category. <CommissionCategoryID>43</CommissionCategoryID>
CommissionMin Double A manually entered commission amount that overrides the default commission. <CommissionMin>12.00</CommissionMin>
CommissionRate Double A manually entered commission percentage that overrides the default commission. <CommissionRate>11.00</CommissionRate>
NZXCapitalOrder Integer Capital order value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXCapitalOrder>1</NZXCapitalOrder>
NZXCSN String CSN for NZ retail orders. <NZXCSN>912891298</NZXCSN>
NZXEstateWindup Integer Estate windup value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXEstateWindup>1</NZXEstateWindup>
NZXOneOffSale Integer One off sale value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXOneOffSale>1</NZXOneOffSale>
NZXPrescribedPersons Integer Prescribed persons value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXPrescribedPersons>1</NZXPrescribedPersons>
NZXShortSell Integer Short sell value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXShortSell>1</NZXShortSell>
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Integer Multiple value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder>1</NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder>
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Integer NZCSD value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXClientHoldingInNZClear>1</NZXClientHoldingInNZClear>
NZXAustralianClient Integer Australia value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXAustralianClient>1</NZXAustralianClient>
OPInstructions String Sets an orders instructions. <OPInstructions>Test</OPInstructions>
OrderGiver String Sets an orders OrderGiver. <OrderGiver>ADMIN</OrderGiver>
PortfolioBalanceUpdate Integer Indicates whether balances should be updated before returned. <PortfolioBalanceUpdate>1</PortfolioBalanceUpdate>
RequestSource String Sent with some method calls, to indicate the source of the request <RequestSource>Net</RequestSource>
SellType String Sets an ask orders Sell Type. S - Short, L - Long <SellType>S</SellType>
SettlementMethod String Sets an orders settlement method. <SettlementMethod>ISSUER</SettlementMethod>
SRN String Security reference numbers and the corresponding volume. <SRN>srn1(100shs), srn2(200shs)</SRN>
TransactionBasis String Sets an orders Transaction Basis. <TransactionBasis>Test</TransactionBasis>
ExternalID String Sets the ExternalID for the order. <ExternalID>Ex123</ExternalID>