IRESS Web Services Reference

Object Reference

PortfolioXMLReq Methods

Last Updated Wednesday, 9 January 2013

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  GetAllPortfolioNames Method 

Retrieve all portfolio names the user has access to.

String Results = [object].GetAllPortfolioNames ( String SessionKey, String TradingSessionKey, String IOSAccount, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
SessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateSessionKey method of Logon object.
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method.
IOSAccount String The IOS account you wish to filter on. If you do not wish to filter on an IOS account pass in an empty string i.e. """.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
Cash Results\Portfolio Single Portfolio Cash.
Code Results\Portfolio String Number of portfolio used to match with Portfolio-Entry Elements.
MarginLenderID Results\Portfolio Long ID of margin lender attached to the portfolio.
Name Results\Portfolio String Portfolio Name.
Type Results\Portfolio String IOS Name the portfolio belongs to.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: PortfolioXMLReq.wsdl

  GetPortfolioHoldings Method 

This method retrieves the holdings of the selected portfolios.

String Results = [object].GetPortfolioHoldings ( String SessionKey, String TradingSessionKey, String PortfolioNameList, String IOSPortfolioInfo, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
SessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateSessionKey method of Logon object.
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of Logon object.
PortfolioNameList String A comma separated list of the user portfolios, with the syntax "portfolioname1, portfolioname2".
IOSPortfolioInfo String A "|" separated list of the IOS portfolios, with the syntax "[iosuser@]iosname(portfolioid, portfolioid)|[iosuser@]iosname(portfolioid, portfolioid) where [iosuser@] is optional".
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema, 16 - Show Summary, 32 - Consolidate Securities.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
ActualCash Portfolios\Portfolio Single The actual cash of the portfolio.
Balance Portfolios\Portfolio Single The cash balance of the portfolio.
BalanceUpdateDateTime Portfolios\Portfolio Date DateTime of when the balance was last updated.
Cash Portfolios\Portfolio Single Portfolio Cash.
CFD Portfolios\Portfolio Long Indicates if the portfolio is linked to a CFD margin lender.
Currency Portfolios\Portfolio String Default currency of the portfolio
Error Portfolios\Portfolio Long Error with Retreiving Portfolio
IOSID Portfolios\Portfolio String ID Number of the portfolio.
IOSName Portfolios\Portfolio String IOS Name the portfolio belongs to.
Name Portfolios\Portfolio String Portfolio Name.
NetCash Portfolios\Portfolio Single The tradable equity available to the portfolio for placing buy orders in the market.
Number Portfolios\Portfolio Long Number of portfolio used to match with <Portfolio-Entry> Elements.
Type Portfolios\Portfolio String Type of Portfolio User or IOS.
Account Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Name of the owner account of the portfolio.
AnnDivGross Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The annual dividend amount for the position.
AnnDivNorm Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Annual dividend amount taking into account the adjustment factor.
Ask Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Live best market ask price.
AveCost Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The average cost per share for the current day's trading.
Bid Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Live best market bid price.
ConversionRate Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Currency conversion rate.
CostVal Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The cost of the holding.
Currency Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Currency for the security.
DayGain Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Gain for the position for the current day.
DelayedPrice Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Indicates if the prices used in the portfolio calculations are delayed.
Error Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Error with Retreiving security.
Exchange Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Exchange the holding is traded on.
Franking Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single The percentage franked on the dividend.
Gain Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Gain for the position.
Holding Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Current holdings of the security.
InitialMargin Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Cash required to buy and sell CFDs in the security and to hold current positions.
InMrktBuy Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The portfolio's in market buys.
InMrktSell Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The portfolio's in market sells.
Last Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Live last trade price.
Movement Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Movement of the security today.
MrktVal Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The market value of the holding.
MrktValCnvt Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The currency converted market value of the holding.
Number Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Number of portfolio used to match with <Portfolio> Elements.
Percentage Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The difference between the current price and the previous day's closing price, expressed as a percent.
PledTO Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Pledged Takeover
PrevClose Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Previous close of the security.
Security Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Security code of the holding.
SecurityType Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Security Type of the security.
ValuationPrice Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The portfolio entry's valuation price.
YearDiv Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Yearly dividends.
ActualCash Summary Double The actual cash of the portfolio.
AnnualDividends Summary Double The annual dividend amount for the holdings.
AnnualDividendsPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the The annual dividend amount for the holdings.
Balance Summary Double The cash balance of the portfolio.
Cash Summary Double Portfolio Cash.
CostValue Summary Double The cost of the holdings.
ExcessEquity Summary Double Funds available for trading, including the unfunded portion of buy orders currently in the market.
FreeEquity Summary Double Cash available for buying and selling Contracts For Difference (CFDs).
GLV Summary Double Gross Liquidation Value. Total value of CFDs if all open positions were closed.
GrossFranking Summary Double The gross value of the annual dividends.
GrossFrankingPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the The gross value of the annual dividends.
InitialMargin Summary Double Cash required to buy and sell CFDs in the security and to hold current positions.
LVR Summary Double Loan to value ratio. The amount borrowed expressed as a percentage of the current valuation of the securities held on the portfolio.
MarketValue Summary Double The market value of the available volume.
MaxLVR Summary Double [Weighted Security Value / Market Value * 100]
NetCash Summary Double The tradable equity available to the portfolio for placing buy orders in the market.
ProfitLoss Summary Double Profit or loss for the holdings.
ProfitLossPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the Profit or loss for the holdings.
ProfitLossToday Summary Double Profit or loss for the holdings for the current day.
ProfitLossTodayPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the Profit or loss for the holdings for the current day.
WeightedSecurity Summary Double Total amount of the position that can be borrowed.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: PortfolioXMLReq.wsdl

  GetPortfolioHoldings2 Method 

This method retrieves the holdings of the selected portfolios.

String Results = [object].GetPortfolioHoldings2 ( String SessionKey, String TradingSessionKey, String PortfolioNameList, String IOSPortfolioInfo, String PortfolioDataXML, Long Options )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
SessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateSessionKey method of Logon object.
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method of Logon object.
PortfolioNameList String A comma separated list of the user portfolios, with the syntax "portfolioname1, portfolioname2".
IOSPortfolioInfo String A "|" separated list of the IOS portfolios, with the syntax "[iosuser@]iosname(portfolioid, portfolioid)|[iosuser@]iosname(portfolioid, portfolioid) where [iosuser@] is optional".
PortfolioDataXML String Portfolio data supplied as XML element.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema, 16 - Show Summary, 32 - Consolidate Securities.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
ActualCash Portfolios\Portfolio Single The actual cash of the portfolio.
Balance Portfolios\Portfolio Single The cash balance of the portfolio.
BalanceUpdateDateTime Portfolios\Portfolio Date DateTime of when the balance was last updated.
Cash Portfolios\Portfolio Single Portfolio Cash.
CFD Portfolios\Portfolio Long Indicates if the portfolio is linked to a CFD margin lender.
Currency Portfolios\Portfolio String Default currency of the portfolio
Error Portfolios\Portfolio Long Error with Retreiving Portfolio
IOSID Portfolios\Portfolio String ID Number of the portfolio.
IOSName Portfolios\Portfolio String IOS Name the portfolio belongs to.
Name Portfolios\Portfolio String Portfolio Name.
NetCash Portfolios\Portfolio Single The tradable equity available to the portfolio for placing buy orders in the market.
Number Portfolios\Portfolio Long Number of portfolio used to match with <Portfolio-Entry> Elements.
Type Portfolios\Portfolio String Type of Portfolio User or IOS.
Account Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Name of the owner account of the portfolio.
AnnDivGross Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The annual dividend amount for the position.
AnnDivNorm Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Annual dividend amount taking into account the adjustment factor.
Ask Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Live best market ask price.
AveCost Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The average cost per share for the current day's trading.
Bid Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Live best market bid price.
ConversionRate Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Currency conversion rate.
CostVal Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The cost of the holding.
Currency Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Currency for the security.
DayGain Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Gain for the position for the current day.
DelayedPrice Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Indicates if the prices used in the portfolio calculations are delayed.
Error Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Error with Retreiving security.
Exchange Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Exchange the holding is traded on.
Franking Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single The percentage franked on the dividend.
Gain Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Gain for the position.
Holding Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Current holdings of the security.
InitialMargin Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Cash required to buy and sell CFDs in the security and to hold current positions.
InMrktBuy Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The portfolio's in market buys.
InMrktSell Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The portfolio's in market sells.
Last Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Live last trade price.
Movement Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Movement of the security today.
MrktVal Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The market value of the holding.
MrktValCnvt Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The currency converted market value of the holding.
Number Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Number of portfolio used to match with <Portfolio> Elements.
Percentage Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The difference between the current price and the previous day's closing price, expressed as a percent.
PledTO Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Pledged Takeover
PrevClose Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Previous close of the security.
Security Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Security code of the holding.
SecurityType Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Security Type of the security.
ValuationPrice Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The portfolio entry's valuation price.
YearDiv Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Yearly dividends.
ActualCash Summary Double The actual cash of the portfolio.
AnnualDividends Summary Double The annual dividend amount for the holdings.
AnnualDividendsPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the The annual dividend amount for the holdings.
Balance Summary Double The cash balance of the portfolio.
Cash Summary Double Portfolio Cash.
CostValue Summary Double The cost of the holdings.
ExcessEquity Summary Double Funds available for trading, including the unfunded portion of buy orders currently in the market.
FreeEquity Summary Double Cash available for buying and selling Contracts For Difference (CFDs).
GLV Summary Double Gross Liquidation Value. Total value of CFDs if all open positions were closed.
GrossFranking Summary Double The gross value of the annual dividends.
GrossFrankingPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the The gross value of the annual dividends.
InitialMargin Summary Double Cash required to buy and sell CFDs in the security and to hold current positions.
LVR Summary Double Loan to value ratio. The amount borrowed expressed as a percentage of the current valuation of the securities held on the portfolio.
MarketValue Summary Double The market value of the available volume.
MaxLVR Summary Double [Weighted Security Value / Market Value * 100]
NetCash Summary Double The tradable equity available to the portfolio for placing buy orders in the market.
ProfitLoss Summary Double Profit or loss for the holdings.
ProfitLossPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the Profit or loss for the holdings.
ProfitLossToday Summary Double Profit or loss for the holdings for the current day.
ProfitLossTodayPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the Profit or loss for the holdings for the current day.
WeightedSecurity Summary Double Total amount of the position that can be borrowed.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: PortfolioXMLReq.wsdl

  GetPortfolioHoldings3 Method 

This method retrieves the holdings of the selected portfolios.

String Results = [object].GetPortfolioHoldings3 ( String SessionKey, String TradingSessionKey, String PortfolioNameList, String IOSPortfolioInfo, String PortfolioDataXML, Long Options, String OptionsXML )

Input Parameters
Name Type Description
SessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateSessionKey method of Logon object.
TradingSessionKey String The session key obtained from CreateTradingSessionKey method
PortfolioNameList String The IOS Account you wish to retrive information on. E.g. IOSName->IOSAccount
IOSPortfolioInfo String A "|" separated list of the IOS portfolios, with the syntax "[iosuser@]iosname(portfolioid, portfolioid)|[iosuser@]iosname(portfolioid, portfolioid) where [iosuser@] is optional".
PortfolioDataXML String Portfolio data supplied as XML element.
Options Long Extra output options. 0 - None, 1 - Use XML in-line XDR schema, 16 - Show Summary, 32 - Consolidate Securities.
OptionsXML String An XML element, encoded as a string, with child elements. Valid child elements for this method are:
  • <PortfolioBalanceUpdate>
  • <RequestSource>
For more information about what these elements mean, and for a usage example, please refer to OptionsXML.
Type Description
String The result string contains an encoded XML document. Below describes the elements and attributes of this XML document.
Output Attributes
Name Element Type Description
ActualCash Portfolios\Portfolio Single The actual cash of the portfolio.
Balance Portfolios\Portfolio Single The cash balance of the portfolio.
BalanceUpdateDateTime Portfolios\Portfolio Date DateTime of when the balance was last updated.
Cash Portfolios\Portfolio Single Portfolio Cash.
CFD Portfolios\Portfolio Long Indicates if the portfolio is linked to a CFD margin lender.
Currency Portfolios\Portfolio String Default currency of the portfolio
Error Portfolios\Portfolio Long Error with Retreiving Portfolio
IOSID Portfolios\Portfolio String ID Number of the portfolio.
IOSName Portfolios\Portfolio String IOS Name the portfolio belongs to.
Name Portfolios\Portfolio String Portfolio Name.
NetCash Portfolios\Portfolio Single The tradable equity available to the portfolio for placing buy orders in the market.
Number Portfolios\Portfolio Long Number of portfolio used to match with <Portfolio-Entry> Elements.
Type Portfolios\Portfolio String Type of Portfolio User or IOS.
Account Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Name of the owner account of the portfolio.
AnnDivGross Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The annual dividend amount for the position.
AnnDivNorm Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Annual dividend amount taking into account the adjustment factor.
Ask Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Live best market ask price.
AveCost Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The average cost per share for the current day's trading.
Bid Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Live best market bid price.
ConversionRate Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Currency conversion rate.
CostVal Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The cost of the holding.
Currency Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Currency for the security.
DayGain Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Gain for the position for the current day.
DelayedPrice Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Indicates if the prices used in the portfolio calculations are delayed.
Error Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Error with Retreiving security.
Exchange Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Exchange the holding is traded on.
Franking Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single The percentage franked on the dividend.
Gain Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Gain for the position.
Holding Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Current holdings of the security.
InitialMargin Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Cash required to buy and sell CFDs in the security and to hold current positions.
InMrktBuy Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The portfolio's in market buys.
InMrktSell Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The portfolio's in market sells.
Last Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Live last trade price.
Movement Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Movement of the security today.
MrktVal Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The market value of the holding.
MrktValCnvt Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The currency converted market value of the holding.
Number Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Number of portfolio used to match with <Portfolio> Elements.
Percentage Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The difference between the current price and the previous day's closing price, expressed as a percent.
PledTO Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Pledged Takeover
PrevClose Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double Previous close of the security.
Security Securities\Portfolio-Entry String Security code of the holding.
SecurityType Securities\Portfolio-Entry Long Security Type of the security.
ValuationPrice Securities\Portfolio-Entry Double The portfolio entry's valuation price.
YearDiv Securities\Portfolio-Entry Single Yearly dividends.
ActualCash Summary Double The actual cash of the portfolio.
AnnualDividends Summary Double The annual dividend amount for the holdings.
AnnualDividendsPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the The annual dividend amount for the holdings.
Balance Summary Double The cash balance of the portfolio.
Cash Summary Double Portfolio Cash.
CostValue Summary Double The cost of the holdings.
ExcessEquity Summary Double Funds available for trading, including the unfunded portion of buy orders currently in the market.
FreeEquity Summary Double Cash available for buying and selling Contracts For Difference (CFDs).
GLV Summary Double Gross Liquidation Value. Total value of CFDs if all open positions were closed.
GrossFranking Summary Double The gross value of the annual dividends.
GrossFrankingPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the The gross value of the annual dividends.
InitialMargin Summary Double Cash required to buy and sell CFDs in the security and to hold current positions.
LVR Summary Double Loan to value ratio. The amount borrowed expressed as a percentage of the current valuation of the securities held on the portfolio.
MarketValue Summary Double The market value of the available volume.
MaxLVR Summary Double [Weighted Security Value / Market Value * 100]
NetCash Summary Double The tradable equity available to the portfolio for placing buy orders in the market.
ProfitLoss Summary Double Profit or loss for the holdings.
ProfitLossPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the Profit or loss for the holdings.
ProfitLossToday Summary Double Profit or loss for the holdings for the current day.
ProfitLossTodayPercentage Summary Double Percentage of the Profit or loss for the holdings for the current day.
WeightedSecurity Summary Double Total amount of the position that can be borrowed.

SOAPAction header:
End Point URL:
WSDL File: PortfolioXMLReq.wsdl

  Error Attribute 

Error Id Error Description
0 No Error.
1 Server Error (The server may be down or in maintenance).
2 Access Error (User do not have permission to retrieve particular data).
3 Security ID Error (Security ID entered could not be found).
6 No Error - Data Incomplete.
9 Error Occured In XML Body (Check XML body for a more specific error code).
31 No security code given when adding securities to a watchlist or user portfolio.
32 Invalid security code given when adding securities to a watchlist or user portfolio.
33 The security code entered already exist specified watchlist or user portfolio.
41 Watchlist Code Input Error (No watchlist code was entered or the code is missing a '$' symbol for a user watchlist or a '/' symbol for a global watchlist).
42 Watchlist, User Portfolio or Watchlist Group Does Not Exist Error (The watchlist or watchlist group entered does not exist in the database).
51 The IOS Portfolio Does Not Exist.

  Status Attribute 

Status Id Status Description
2 Access Error (User does not have permission to use paticular method)
17 Request was successful - synchronous.
18 Request was successful - asynchronous. If the request was not intended to be asynchronous then this could indicated a timeout error.
19 Request was successful - default.
33 Unidentified error.
34 Request was improperly formatted.
35 Unknown IOS address or IOSWeb offline./Internal error.

  OptionsXML Parameter 

OptionsXML is an optional parameter for some methods. Its purpose is to allow additional settings to be specified for the method call.
It is specified as an XML element, <OptionsXML>, with child elements for each setting.
The parameter is of type String, so the element must be encoded as a string according to the SOAP encoding specifications.


For the follwoing xml element:


The encoded string would be:


When part of a SOAP request, it should look like:


OptionsXML Child Elements
Name Type Description Example
Advisor String Sets an orders Advisor. <Advisor>ADMIN</Advisor>
AdvisorWorking Integer Only used in ClientOrderCreate to indicate whether the new client order is an advisor working order. 1 - Advisor working order, 0 - Not advisor working order <AdvisorWorking>1</AdvisorWorking>
BOInstructions String Sets an orders back office instructions. <BOInstructions>12A Request</BOInstructions>
BPO Long Indicates if an order will be a BPO order. 1 - BPO Order, 0 - Not a BPO Order <BPO>1</BPO>
CommissionCategoryID Integer Sets an orders commission category. <CommissionCategoryID>43</CommissionCategoryID>
CommissionMin Double A manually entered commission amount that overrides the default commission. <CommissionMin>12.00</CommissionMin>
CommissionRate Double A manually entered commission percentage that overrides the default commission. <CommissionRate>11.00</CommissionRate>
NZXCapitalOrder Integer Capital order value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXCapitalOrder>1</NZXCapitalOrder>
NZXCSN String CSN for NZ retail orders. <NZXCSN>912891298</NZXCSN>
NZXEstateWindup Integer Estate windup value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXEstateWindup>1</NZXEstateWindup>
NZXOneOffSale Integer One off sale value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXOneOffSale>1</NZXOneOffSale>
NZXPrescribedPersons Integer Prescribed persons value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXPrescribedPersons>1</NZXPrescribedPersons>
NZXShortSell Integer Short sell value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXShortSell>1</NZXShortSell>
NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder Integer Multiple value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder>1</NZXMultipleClientAggregatedOrder>
NZXClientHoldingInNZClear Integer NZCSD value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXClientHoldingInNZClear>1</NZXClientHoldingInNZClear>
NZXAustralianClient Integer Australia value for NZ retail orders, can either be 1 for on or 0 for off. <NZXAustralianClient>1</NZXAustralianClient>
OPInstructions String Sets an orders instructions. <OPInstructions>Test</OPInstructions>
OrderGiver String Sets an orders OrderGiver. <OrderGiver>ADMIN</OrderGiver>
PortfolioBalanceUpdate Integer Indicates whether balances should be updated before returned. <PortfolioBalanceUpdate>1</PortfolioBalanceUpdate>
RequestSource String Sent with some method calls, to indicate the source of the request <RequestSource>Net</RequestSource>
SellType String Sets an ask orders Sell Type. S - Short, L - Long <SellType>S</SellType>
SettlementMethod String Sets an orders settlement method. <SettlementMethod>ISSUER</SettlementMethod>
SRN String Security reference numbers and the corresponding volume. <SRN>srn1(100shs), srn2(200shs)</SRN>
TransactionBasis String Sets an orders Transaction Basis. <TransactionBasis>Test</TransactionBasis>
ExternalID String Sets the ExternalID for the order. <ExternalID>Ex123</ExternalID>